View Full Version : What to do?

11-05-15, 02:06
Hi Guys
It's been a while since I've posted because everything has been Ok but suddenly my world seems to be falling apart.
Just for background I'm 61 yrs old.
It all started to go wrong in November when my wife's older sister had a heart attack and suggested that my wife have a checkup.
It turned out that she had 3 blocked arteries and 2 stents were implanted.
After seeing all this I decided to book in for a check up myself but had a heart attack in January before the appointment came around.
I had one stent implanted.
Just so you know we live 600 ks from Brisbane so while the wife's treatment was accomplished by a normal plane trip mine was by both ground and air ambulances.
My wife had an appt for a checkup in January but missed it because of my attack.
When she finally got to it in February it turned out that they had found a shadow on her right lung which meant back to Brisbane for a biopsy and surgery to remove one lobe of her right lung (she never smoked)
All was going well but after 5 days she started to crash so it was back into theatre to remove another lobe.
That was all about 9 weeks ago and she is recovering well.
The trouble is now that we can't afford the payments on our home and will have to sell and rent somewhere.
After having a home of my own (even if different ones) for the last 30+ yrs this is really upsetting especially as at our stage of life we can't just start over.
My anxiety is sky high stopping me from sleeping and making me lethargic at work all day.
I just can't see any answers in all of this but getting it off my chest may help.
PS My Dr prescribed Xanax and it's the worst thing I've ever taken so I stopped.Been taking 2 x 5mg Valium for last 10 yrs
PPS In the middle of all the hospital stuff my 12 yr old German Shepherd died suddenly.

11-05-15, 05:07
Christ Phill, you really have been through the mill!

Petra was worried about you as you were offline after the cyclone so I wondered if you had had a load of damage knocking out your amenities but this is something else.

I'm sorry about your dog too, I have a dog and I know how it would affect me if I lost him. On top of the rest of this though, it must be daunting.

Are people helping you with all this or are you both on your own dealing with it all?

You've had so much bad fortune in a short space of time that I'm hoping you are paid up for life now.

11-05-15, 08:34
Hi Terry
It's just us and yes it is daunting esp not know how or where we will be living

11-05-15, 08:40
It seems incredibly unfair, you've both been through enough already without the stress of that to deal with.

Is there no way to switch the mortgage to cheap rates, extend it out on lower monthly payments, etc? This is something that is also a pain at your time of life I suppose.

Is there anyway you could move into something smaller for a while and rent your out to try to make some profit to cover the shortfall?

11-05-15, 08:48
We have an appointment with the bank on Wednesday to look at options.
Fingers crossed they come up with something to help out.

11-05-15, 09:00
Well you deserve a bit of luck after all that so I hope things turn out well for you. If you can get that monkey off your back you can concentrate on getting better which should really be all that you have to do right now!

11-05-15, 09:43
Thanks Terry

17-05-15, 10:20
Well you deserve a bit of luck after all that so I hope things turn out well for you. If you can get that monkey off your back you can concentrate on getting better which should really be all that you have to do right now!
The bank reduced the payments for 6 mths while we sell the place
At least it will give us a chance to save for the move

17-05-15, 10:21
Its at least some breathing space, Phill. Its a real shame you have to sell at all though.

How are you feeling? How is your wife?

17-05-15, 10:24
Hi Terry
Good day today
The anx comes and goes so you never know what to expect.
Just playing games cause there's only c**p on TV
My wife Julie is doing OK but gets out of breath really easily.

17-05-15, 11:12
I guess its to be expected as its a long journey back from an experience like that. Rest, time and gentle exercise to build up and take each day as it comes, I would imagine. I used to work with a guy who had a bypass and he was knackered for ages with it. It surprising how it can take a long time to rebuild the normal physical health we probably take for granted.

TV's like that over here, loads of repeats on loop.

I'm glad its a good day though, you deserve a good many of those after what you have both been through this year.

blue moon
18-05-15, 03:45
Oh Phill I have just read your post:weep:I am so sorry to hear about your wife.I have been missing you on here as you were one of our old playing games person left.
If you need anything my friend let me know,Iam moving soon,but will be here if need be.

Love Petra x:bighug1:

18-05-15, 04:16
Thanks Petra
Much appreciated :hugs: