View Full Version : Tiny little red dots on skin

11-05-15, 09:25
Hey everyone - I know this subject has been done to death but I've found lots of little red pinpricks on my skin. I've noticed them before on my legs and they have never bothered me.

Recently, I've noticed tons of them appearing on my arms - new ones appearing every few days without the others disappearing. I'm really worried even though I noticed a friend had the same thing yesterday.

I have some blood and urine tests on Wednesday to rule out some issues but I just need some reassurance. I've been having a few headaches recently as well but I'm putting that down to stress.

Thanks guys!

12-05-15, 09:27
Tiny red dots could be so many things - the vast majority absolutely harmless.

It just sounds like your follicles have got a bit grumpy. Could be heat, rubbing from clothes, mild reaction to washing powder etc. If you're taking any medication some meds can cause skin irritation.

I go through patches when I get mild folliculitis - particularly on my arms, several of the follicles will go red and swell, then turn into tiny spots. It's slightly itchy, but nothing more than slightly bothersome.

If it's something that's really worrying you, you can see your GP about it, but honestly it's not the kind of symptom that rings alarm bells.

Best wishes

12-05-15, 13:40
Hi, thanks for the reply.

I don't really think it is that because mine are really flat... I've had an ingrown hair before and this isn't that.

I probably have about 50-60 on each arm, with more appearing and disappearing every day.

12-05-15, 14:59
That sounds more like an irritation or histamine response. Anxiety can cause histamine responses, so it may not be anything external sparking them off.

If you can (i.e. if there isn't a medical reason not to) you could try taking an over the counter anti-histamine to see if they disappear.

Either way, if they worry you it is worth speaking to your GP - and letting your GP know that you have high anxiety levels (if they don't know.)

Best wishes

13-05-15, 04:13
I have them too! Some of them are less pin point size/circular and slightly larger but still very tiny. They basically look like red freckles, right? I honestly have no clue what they are and have been concerned before. I have eczema and a few moles, etc so I'm not super bothered by skin stuff. I am super curious as to what it is. I'll definitely try to remember to ask a doctor the next time I see one out of curiosity (odds are I'll forget by them though :blush: ).

..... actually just looked it up on a medhelp site, obviously if you're concerned, I'd ask a doctor, however it just appears to be concentrated cluster of melanin and tends to be on fair skinned people (which I am), or freckles, or some other term they had listed on there. Didn't see any negative posts about it however. Hope that eases your mind a bit.