View Full Version : Tongue Worries - still... please help breaking down

11-05-15, 13:19
Hey guys...

I know I must be getting annoying.... but I can't help but think that this "scallop" tongue is atrophy... the markings don't even look like obvious teeth marks... they look so weird at the side it looks kind of damaged or something... they haven't seemed to progress in three months... and the neuro didn't mention anything but I think I should have mentioned something to him about it... I'm so anxious because he didn't look at my tongue at rest.. just sticking out. I feel sick to my stomach... I am debating going to the hospital because I just do not feel mentally well and I need someone to help me. My "teeth"marks do not go away when I stick out my tongue... and they are like bumps that purtrude beyond the surface... I don't know where to turn.

11-05-15, 13:22

"I showed him my tongue scallop and asked if it was twitching and he said "Nope, I know what I am looking for." "

Just a reminder

Positive thoughts

Gary A
11-05-15, 13:36
You don't have ALS, it really is that simple. Do you honestly, truly believe that you know better than a neurologist? A person who is a specialist in brain function and who has studied for years and achieved qualifications as an EXPERT in the field?

You think you and Google know better?

Come on.

11-05-15, 13:47
I have a fear that his exam wasn't thorough enough, because I am a young girl and because of the age put on ALS, people think that this isn't a possibility... I don't even remember him testing my Jaw jerk reflex... I don't know... I feel so lost and upset... I'm sorry that I feel this way I just do. Does anyone know who I could go to tell me about my tongue?

Gary A
11-05-15, 14:01
A doctor, but given that you've already been evaluated by a neurologist I would think it's completely unnecessary.

Do you honestly believe a neurologist wouldn't carry out a thorough examination based on the fact you're young? You are actually sitting telling yourself you know how to conduct a better physical examination than a neurologist.

I know it's anxiety that's making you think this way, but it is that you need to address, not some throw away issue with your tongue.

11-05-15, 14:08
Thanks Gary,

I made the mistake of reading some reviews about him, and it seems he has misdiagnosed a stroke for carpeltunnel... I know it is totally obsessive to read reviews but I found that just absolutely terrifying.

I want to let go of these tongue things... it just seems like something is actually wrong and I need an answer as to why it looks the way it does. I know you can't seem to see why, but I need to have an answer so that I can stop believing that it is atrophy.

Gary A
11-05-15, 14:15
There are dozens of causes of a scalloped tongue, atrophy is not even a consideration. I honestly don't know why you'd even arrive at that conclusion. Atrophy is a wasting condition, it wouldn't cause a "scalloped tongue". It's probably a minor dental issue you have, yet here you are labelling it as an ALS symptom.

A neurologist wouldn't base his diagnosis on something like that anyway, if you truly did have ALS you'd have a multitude of symptoms that would be plainly obvious to a neurologist.

Deal with your anxiety and ignore your tongue, maybe even see a dentist.

11-05-15, 15:34
There was a girl as young as 16 years old who was diagnosed with ALS by her neurologists. No matter how young you are, if the symptoms are there, doctors would not miss.

11-05-15, 15:53
I am in tears, I just don't know how to trust him, when I feel he barely gave any consideration to my tongue at all... :weep:

I know you guys think I am overreacting but if your tongue looked this way you wouldn't feel at ease... I just need an answer so badly... I am worried its the beginning of atrophy... I don't know. I can't find anything that remotely looks like it online which means it probably isn't normal ugh.

11-05-15, 16:08
please do not cry. I've been there (Ha, I was there this morning)

no one on here will convince you that you are OK. we can certainly help reassure you, but you have to believe it to move passed this... so far so good.. no one has indicated in ANYWAY that you should be concerned about this.... I remember how hard it was for me to believe doctors.. sure, they are human and I suppose can make a mistake, but you need to trust him.. he is the expert. he went to the medical school.. he studied these illnesses in WAY greater detail than you reading google over and over again

take a deep breath. first you need to calm down, in order to think rationally.

I do not think you are being annoying. it's a shame when a fear overcomes you. it robs you of precious time.

your mind is a lot more powerful than you think.

Gary A
11-05-15, 16:08
He examined your tongue in a way that HE considered thorough. He is the expert, you are not. Can you give me one good reason why having an odd looking tongue should be a sign of atrophy?

Given all of the very benign things that can cause it like dental issues or slight vitamin deficiencies, at which point did you decide that this was a sign of atrophy?


How can you expect to trust the man when you're going out of your way to find reason not to trust him?

Go to a dentist and ask them, I'll bet my life savings they'll say it's either completely normal or something ridiculously simple.

11-05-15, 16:31
If the muscles die or are not used they atrophy. Atrophy cannot come before weakness because weakness is the cause of atrophy. There is no way that a full functioning muscle atrophies significantly. Plus there is no beginning of atrophy in ALS, atrophy is significant and it's like you wake up one day and realise your left leg is significantly smaller than your right leg. If you can move your tongue from side to side and if you can tent your cheeks with your tongue it means no weakness.

11-05-15, 16:51
"I showed him my tongue scallop and asked if it was twitching and he said "Nope, I know what I am looking for." "

Honestly, I don't know what you want people to say. Are you getting help with your anxiety? I don't know how old you are but you said you're young. You've spent the last month up to your ears with this worry and have been given the all clear. It's time to move on from this. Your HA is robbing you of your life. Please look into getting some help.

Positive thoughts

11-05-15, 20:56
I have had a fear like this before Lilly so no what your going thro with anxiety We can't help not believing docters and other people when others just get frustrated with us. I came to the conclusion I was being ridiculus and then worried about something else enxiety takes over your life I just hope my therapy appointment comes thro soon is been months :( im sure like the others have sed he knows what he's lookign for id trust him hun x