View Full Version : Strange feelings in head/headaches/pressure?

12-05-15, 02:53
This is my first time posting.
No one is giving me answers so I'm hoping this time I get some!
First off, I have bad anxiety. There's a history of anxiety, depression and schizophrenia in my family. I'm a 16 year old girl.
One night I was just thinking of having something wrong with my head and then my scalp started to burn and it made me more anxious and then I got zero sleep that night.
Now I constantly have pressure in my head, but only the RIGHT side, occasionally towards the back. Also, my right ear feels clogged.
Rarely any pain and if there is, it's dull.
But sometimes there's a sharpish pain on the top but it only lasts a second or two.
It seems like the right side of my head is more veiny than the left.
My scalp and face sometime burn when I get worked up and rub it.
Sometimes there's a pulsing/headrush feeling with their pressure.
No vision or appetite problems.
Just thinking of this is making it worse! I'm afraid it's something more serious like an aneurysm or brain tumor. I've never been so worried.
Could this be anxiety?
Massaging my neck and laying on my right side sometimes help! I have no anxiety meds as of right now.
Had these problems for months?
Please help!!!:wacko:

12-05-15, 05:54
Anxiety most definately can cause these problems. With me my health anxiety causes a lot of tension in my neck, jaw, and head. There are neck exercises that can help. Trapped nerves can often cause strange symptoms. I really don't think you need urgent care. But go and see the doctor mention it and tell them how you've been feeling. Good luck x