View Full Version : St. Johns wort or 5htp?

12-05-15, 11:54
Hey guys, my anxiety has been flaring up quite a bit over the past week, im not on any medication and prefer a holistic approach, but i have never tried st. Johns wort or 5htp. Can anyone reccommend either of these? And are they ok to take without talking to a doctor first? I should mention that im a bit down at the moment, thats why im considering SJW and not just 5htp. Cheers :)

12-05-15, 20:11
Neither one will do you any good. SJW is a MAO. There is Tryptophan in half the food we eat so taking more won't increase your Seratonin because it can't get to your brain to be converted because of diet, not shortage. There are other things and they all treat anxiety. Lemon Balm or Valerian root, rescue remedy. Lemon balm doesn't make you sleepy. It works to improve Seratonin use.