View Full Version : Nearly had a full on panic attack over something...

12-05-15, 14:41
So I was just in the shower (sorry TMI lol) and I noticed just below my hip a DARK BLACK spot about the size of a pinhead... Initially I thought it was nothing and attempted to brush it off.. and it didn't move... I felt sick. I actually ended up scratching it off and underneath is what looks like a tiny pimple if I'm honest... After going into a full on panic I have tried to rationalise what this is... so I'm thinking this IS just a pimple that I had probably scratched without realising before this and it was just some dried blood/scab that was over it that was the dark blackish spot and now I've just scratched it off... I'm going to be direct here... if it was skin cancer, I wouldn't have been able to just scratch it off like that right??? I'm still pretty anxious about this and keep looking at it every second. It still just looks like a tiny pimple now... red/pink in colour.

12-05-15, 15:31
Sounds like a blackhead :)

Gary A
12-05-15, 15:35
If it's the size of a pinhead then the chances of it being cancerous are practically zero. A cancerous mole would tend to bleed when scratched, not come away entirely. I think you're ok, but if it returns and gets larger or changes in shape etc, make an appointment to have it assesed by a doctor.

12-05-15, 15:42
Thanks for the replies guys. I've calmed down a bit now, it was just a shock to see this dark spot on me, especially since skin cancer has been on my mind lately. Right now it just looks like a tiny pimple that has been popped... I reckon I must have scratched or picked it without realising and what I saw was some dried blood over it...

Anyway I will certainly keep a very close eye on it...