View Full Version : tiny white dot on side of tongue and jaw ache

12-05-15, 18:45
Ok im freaking out now im terrified ive just found a cancer spot in my mouth, at leat thats what i think it is, its a white patch that looks like its got a hole in the centre and a smaller one underneath im terrified my dentist keeps cancelling on me i dont know what to do i dont want yo die .

Freaking out health anxiety through the roof please help if uou can

12-05-15, 20:22
I've had the same thing. I'm not an md or dentist, but in my case it's nothing. Lots of bumps in our mouths, but a dentist can give you reassurance of that. I hope they schedule you for your peace of mind.

I frequently have a.sore jaw from anxiety and clenching my teeth, I do it in my sleep. Could that be the case for you?

Gary A
12-05-15, 20:44
These sound like canker sores. What age are you? Oral cancers rarely hit non smokers under the age of 40.