View Full Version : Sore and gruff throat

12-05-15, 21:55
Hi, I've posted this on the symptoms page too but thought this could be the place for the post.

Just a bit of info if possible. I have a sore throat and have the need to keep clearing it, the back of my hroat is a little red but not much. The soreness is further down my throat. Also, voice a bit gruff. I'm getting really worried now as it isn't going away. I don't really feel ill, just aware its there. Any info on what it might be, although I know people on here can't actually diagnose. Thanks

12-05-15, 22:12
Obviously lm not a doctor, but l would suggest that if you keep needing to clear your throat that could cause redness and soreness. And l know an irritated throat can be due to anxiety, its a symptom lve had myself.
Other suggestions, could it be hayfever?
Aircon in the car can sometimes cause it too

Theres a whole range of causes... even things like certain foods, but if you are worried check with your doctor

12-05-15, 22:42
Thank you Bluebella, I'm trying not to clear it as much. I did think it might be an allergy but I don't have sneezing or anything. My throat isn't really very red but further down it feels sore and inflamed and sore to touch. I've heard of nasal drip and reflux but not sure it could be that. I'm just scared it is something bad.