View Full Version : Adrenal Fatigue and Heart

13-05-15, 17:38
I posted last week about how fast the heart can go as I was quite concerned. I went to Paris last weekend and came home yesterday, and my heart felt like it was going to jump out of my chest on the plane, awful! I would say it was in excess of 200 BPM, anyway, I made it! Flight landed, off safely!

Also to mention I got an Apple Watch there, which takes my heart rate every few minutes or as I want it to, which is a huge regret, as I'm obsessed now!

Cut a long story short, today I went out, and just have felt very anxious, and generally exhausted. I looked at my watch at my heart rate was 41BPM then a few minutes later 68BPM, 84BPM and so on!

Does this sound like pure exhaustion, adrenal fatigue, am I dying?! What is it :(?

14-05-15, 15:46
incorrect reading on a watch sensor...the tech on eatches isnt yet perfected and can be quite flaky.

I would say right now...stop it!

You wont get ectopic beats and palpitations because you already have them like everyone else does.
But if you dont already notice them you're sure gonna start to by precticing the wonderful art of constant heart rate scanning.

The absolute best thing you can do is stop checking your pulse!

Your heart rate is responding to your thoughts, your thoughts are related to your heart and so you can easily see how one will perpetuate the other into a negative cycle.

Honestly from experience I can say that the best policy is to ignore what your heart does with regard its speed and flip flop beats.

Get checked out by a cardiologist if you must but then let that be an end to it.

I am only just getting used to not constantly checking my heart rate and believe me that you will be a thousand times better when you do the same.

Additionally if your heart were failing you would have far worse symptoms than the sypathetic respons of your wonderful muscle effortlesly pushing out blood to your body and in such a healthily forceful manner.

ps: it sounds like anxiety...exhaustion and fatigu, muscle aches and pains, diziness, headaches, and a shed load of other symptoms are expected. After being anxious on that flight it's very normal to be tired. After my panic episodes it can take a week to get back to normal sometimes but I will always be exhausted feeling the day after.

16-05-15, 00:09
Thanks for your reassuring reply Daniele!

I've since removed the heart sensor feature, and I haven't checked my pulse much since I've read your post, and I already feel a lot more confident!

I had an ECG back in October/November time, and it came back clear, I just have a cycle of extreme panic that sends my heart through the roof, and for a few days/weeks I have serious health anxiety (mainly my heart)

16-05-15, 19:14
I'm exactly the same matey..it's horrible I know but believe me that the palpitations may not entirely go, but I guarantee that they won't bother you or happen anything like as often if you ignore them as best you can and stop checking your pulse.

I had an ecg in October which was fine..since then I wondered what if and was always checking my pulse and worrying...I stopped checking my pulse a few months ago and got to grips with the palpitations and had another egg a few weeks ago....again perfectly normal.

Worrying will change and trick you, when it's not your heart it'll be your circulation and arteries or oxygen levels or something else....

Best wishes with your journey of learning to be nonchalant :winks: