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View Full Version : This has lasted for months non stop

Shapeshifting Lizard
13-05-15, 19:16
Before and since I got off the booze in hospital and moved to a psych rehab place it's been mental, and it keeps getting worse. It's anxiety, mainly about nothing, and it's gripping me 24/7 like something terrible's going to happen and I would kill myself to end it this second if I could. It's been so bad I've tried to admit myself into hospital, and still I want to go there.

I'm on 1mg haloperidol and just 2mg lorazepam a day and while the lorazepam offers some relief I'm sure the effects are starting to wear off and I know the doctor won't prescribe me any more. I've taken to chain smoking, hogging the bath facility and waiting for my next fix for some relief.

I wish I could get an emergency psychiatrist or just emergency help of any kind. I can barely cope with each coming day and I think it's all going to spiral into something catastrophic.

13-05-15, 20:07
Don't let it spiral - because then it's won.

Really not sure what I can suggest medically...(I know there are some brilliant doctors/therapists etc out there, I've just never found any) I know we all experience things differently but I believe I know something of what you feel though. Also I drink - too much.

I know the trouble with feeling this way is it makes you feel weak...and pathetic. You're not. The fact that you're still here, living each day makes you strong beyond belief. Anyone can get up each day and function but functioning when you feel like it's impossible to endure it is an achievement.

I'm probably rambling because it's been a shit day but this hit a chord with me. Please stay strong. You're not by yourself

13-05-15, 20:22
Please be gentle with yourself. Recovery is a long road and it's early days for you yet. You were drinking heavily for quite a while, right? So it's not going to all be better in a month or two.

I know how awful and hopeless it can feel, but you are doing the right thing and you're stronger than you think! You're getting through each day and that's an accomplishment in itself.

You will get there. Be easy on yourself.