View Full Version : Constant light headiness

14-05-15, 07:10
I have constant light headiness as if I am going to fall ,for a long time now,does anyone else have this.thank you

16-05-15, 22:51
I have constant light headiness as if I am going to fall ,for a long time now,does anyone else have this.thank you

oh yes its awful feeling I had this for along time ,it was that bad I wasn't able to go out ,it did pass but even now I have days where I feel dizzy and light headed ,its all the adrenaline and stress running around our bodies its very common symptom of anxiety :hugs:

17-05-15, 08:33
Thank you for your reply Mrs Stress Ed much appreciated,this morning I really fed up with floating around everywhere I go,but I have had it before and got through it,still go out .Love my garden but find it very difficult at times,and tinitus gets worse when I am going through a wobbly period,enjoy your day.

Ps.With the greatest respect @MRS STRESS ED if its is so common and I am not at all doubting you at all,my friend,why have I only received one answer,thank you for your post as sometimes when I am going through a wobbly patch,I tend to think that I am the only person who is like this,and I do know that that is not true,its just getting my brain to recognise this fact

20-05-15, 07:43
I felt like this yesterday and when i laid down to sleep i felt like i was moving but i wasn't. I have a bit of stress lately though my cousin died and two very close friends a married couple died all 3 funerals are this Friday .

I'm not going to either of them as i am too scared to walk ther alone and nobody can pick me up everyone has full cars .

20-05-15, 12:17
I used to get this all the time when my anxiety was at its peak. Some days were worse than others but it was a constant feeling of motion regardless of if I was sat still or moving around. It did ease as my anxiety lessened. The only advise I can give is just to go with it & please don't worry. It's one of the most common symptoms of anxiety. xx

20-05-15, 13:33
I have this every day...I get this not long after waking and it starts off my Anxiety everyday. It really worries me and I'm thinking there is something seriously wrong with me. I keep going doctors and he says it's Anxiety. I just try to deal with it as much as I can. I'm hoping that over time this will disappear. Do you find your self hyperventilating a lot? ...I think this is my main problem as I feel when I'm Anxious I don't breath like I should. If I go to bed anxious I wake the same it's a horrible feeling but apparently a normal symptom of anxiety.

29-04-19, 12:28
I have just read this.. I have been getting these symptoms for over 3 months now and it is debilitating my life so I fully empathise.

29-04-19, 22:10
I had this for 6 weeks constantly
Doc diagnosed me with Méničre’s disease which affects the middle ear. Had few flare ups that didn’t last as long.
Other causes are obviously anxiety and hormones / hormone imbalances etc.
I get lightheaded around ovulation and just before my period