View Full Version : called to doctors

14-05-15, 09:43
Heya all, ok once again panic gone wild, i hve just had a letter from the doctors saying that i need yo book an appointment to discuss a hospital letter, i had recently gone for a heart echo and had variouschest xrays and blood tests i am terrified they have found something bad as i only went for the ultrasound last friday and i have had this letter through today.

I keep trying to tell myself its routine but im struggling to make myself believe it, guess i will finally have some answers either way

Gary A
14-05-15, 10:33
Could literally be anything. You may have a small vitamin deficiency or some other simple problem. The point is that the doctor has a duty to follow that up. It may even be that there's no problem whatsoever but they want to talk to you about possible anxiety issues.

If it's really bothering you then you could phone your surgery and request to speak to the doctor on the phone.

14-05-15, 10:56
Thankyou for your reply, it really means a lot and you are right i will try and stop worrying until iget there surely if it was sinister it wouldnt be the doctors i would be seeing but the hospital. Thanks GaryA your post does make a lot of sense xx

14-05-15, 11:03
Think of it this way, if it were something serious would they send a letter too your GP for them to send you another one? No, they would call you.

So, they want to discuss some more minor.

14-05-15, 11:08
Thankyou mynameisterry you are right guess i let it get the better of me again , thanks for talking sense into me xx

14-05-15, 11:21
I used to have the exact same reaction when my employer left me a message to call them. All the questions would start going in my mind, listening to the message would make my anxiety spike and I would spend hours going over it in my head. I would be thinking about them setting up a meeting, has something gone wrong with a sick note, are they going to take action against me, etc.

I should have countered it with rational statements and tried to get on with my day. It's not easy and it may not always work until you have more control of your anxiety but it's worth trying.

14-05-15, 11:25
:)thankyou i will try and think it through more xx how are you feeling now if you dont mind me asking? How did you overcome these thoughts xx

14-05-15, 11:37
Reducing my overall levels of anxiety helped with many issues. I also learned Mindfulness and I found this gave me more control over my thoughts, I could observe them rather than interact with them as much and steer my thinking away. I got rid of my intrusive thoughts through this but I find it harder with the cognitive ones stop it's very much an ongoing process.