View Full Version : Throat feels full - worried

15-05-15, 04:33
A few weeks ago I had bad heartburn / acid refulx, so the doctor put me on Omeprazole. The acid is much better now - I don't really notice it any more.
However I'm still having problems in the evening. My throat feels full - its even worse when I lie down. I think its basically reflux, but without the acid / burning. I'm really worried now that it means there is something more wrong with me. Has anyone else ever had this? I am doing all I can not to Google this, but very worried.

15-05-15, 17:45
I've had exactly the same lately and I suffer from acid reflux. It's a normal thing to feel if you've had acid actually. It will resolve itself eventually :)

17-05-15, 22:59
Thanks KayeS. I hope it does resolve. I just feel I've had so much gastro issues going on lately, its really starting to get me down. I feel like I'll never get back to normal. Even today I had a meal with friends and then afterwards my stomach felt all queasy and I had to go to the bathroom more than once. Just when I thought things were getting better too :-(