View Full Version : SAHD with HA, would be nice to have a chat

15-05-15, 08:53
Hi all,

Never done anything like this before but i figure its worth a shot lol.
I am a SAHD to 2 beautiful little girls (2 and a half and 14 months) one of whom has learning difficulties and cerebral palsy after being born with cancer.
Its a tough life at times. My kids are great but my eldest with the disabilities can be hard work at times, she is a very good little girl and very smart too but its tough watching her not be able to do things she wants to do or going out and seeing children of a similar age do things she just cant and may never be able too do. Still considering her start to life, my wife and I are very proud of her. My youngest is just a bundle of trouble and hilarious lol.
Since my daughter was born i've had HA which i have, mostly, under control although it certainly gets the better of me at times. I have been going to see a shrink for a few months now and have tried CBT etc. im not sure how much help its all been but i would still recommend it.
Being a stay at home dad is quite a lonely existance, I try to take the girls out to groups and things but am always treated a bit like a leper lol. I don't have any friends up here as we moved about a year ago and its difficult to meet people.
I have my wife who is great, she has a very stressful job though and the last thing she needs is me stressing her out even more.

sorry for the rant but its nice to sometimes get it off your chest.