View Full Version : overanalysing EVERYTHING again

15-05-15, 17:28

Okay so lately I've been extremely stressed because of exams but I'm anxious because I keep thinking I'm crazy again. So this is going to sound really stupid but because I've been more confident in school, talking to people I don't usually and teachers etc, which used to make me go red and embarrassed I feel like there's something wrong with me! I know it's so stupid because being confident is positive but it's like when I feel confident I feel sort of like life isn't real and it makes me feel like I can say anything or do and it wouldnt bother me because in that moment I don't care what people think. Why do I feel like this??

But when I get home from school I start thinking about what I said and why I said that and how I felt at that moment and I was thinking omg what if I'm a psycho or if there's something wrong with me. I don't want to be like this!! I hope this stuff is happening because I'm getting older or something?? I really want to see what you guys think. But please be nice, as you can see, I freak out easily

And by the way, exam stress has been affecting how I sleep and I'm so nervous for my English exam next Monday so I'd really like some advice so I can have a good night's sleep

Thanks :)

15-05-15, 23:26
You're not crazy. Let's just start and finish that right there. I've feared I was crazy many times too. I'm not crazy. It's a fear. That's all.

Sounds like you are observing yourself forgetting yourself, being yourself and flowing more with people. That's when you just come right out without thinking about it.

I see it like a tightrope walker. He walks across confidently not focusing on doubt or questioning it. It's easy.
But half way across he could have a thought, a doubt and he could question it and lose confidence. Then it becomes incredibly hard.
I can find myself "doing" and finding it easy, being confident. Then I'll think about it and then it'll become difficult.
Keep flowing and being yourself and don't stop and think.

I used to have a mantra to remind myself of this. I used it for ages.
Lose yourself as often as you can.
Talk to the teacher,,,,,without thinking about it. Enjoy functioning freely and confidently without questioning it. Dont stop, and question it, doubt it. Like a tightrope walker looking down half way across, losing confidence and getting self conscious.

Do, don't think about doing.

Thinking about stuff you did and said doesn't often produce anything useful. I know. I have cringed a MILLION times at what I said, didn't say, did, didn't do etc. I cringe for other people who don't even feel like they're doing anything cringey lol. I'll read this post later and ask myself what the hell im doing. Just don't bother thinking about what you did or didn't do. Just flow, be yourself, enjoy yourself. Whatever you do, said, didn't do etc, it's fine. And that's all that matters. Allow yourself to be up, down, confident, anything. Give yourself permission because it doesn't mean anything and you are now ok with it. Being ok with it is fantastic because it just means you are free to be yourself and be everything you are.
You can be confident in this moment and not this moment, you are allowed. Don't question it because it really DOESNT mean anything.

Just do and forget yourself in the moment as much as you can. Don't think about it during. Don't think about it after.
Forget yourself.
Be yourself.
Enjoy yourself.

16-05-15, 12:17
Hi Char,

this is anxiety, plain and simple. I used to get this a lot, but now it´s died down a lot.

I used to think over and over different social situation that I had in my head, analyzing things, I´d work myself up into a state, and get even more anxious.

What helped me? Keeping it simple, accepting how I felt, deep breaths, and letting go, floating, and staying in the moment. And letting the moment pass!



16-05-15, 12:43
Thank you so much both of you!

I could never understand why I was thinking like that and it makes so much sense now, especially about 'observing yourself forgetting yourself'. On some level I do know that I'm not crazy but it just freaked me out that I couldn't find anyone else who was experiencing this on the internet. I think it should be easier to accept it now because I know that others have had this. Thank you again I couldn't work it out, I wasn't sure whether to post it but I'm so glad I did. I will definitely try to live in the moment more and I'll use that mantra.

Thank you again :)