View Full Version : do I have bipolar??

15-05-15, 21:05
Do I have bipolar anyone got it ?

15-05-15, 21:11
Only a mental health professional can answer that question.

Positive thoughts

15-05-15, 21:18
There are some very specific things that dictate bipolar, they are more than just mood swings, don't google it, you are not bipolar. Don't even think it, too many GPs misdiagnose, they are not qualified, it takes a few sessions with a psychiatrist. I know bipolar people and even lived with one. What makes you think you are bipolar?

15-05-15, 22:49
The fact that I'm so erratic. The lies I tell ... The fact I love attention the fact I am low or high no in between .... Don't sleep for months ... Then over sleep for weeks. . cry easy obviously suffering with health anxiety panic attacks .. Have too always be around someone keep heading and seeing things ... Over exsagrate everything ... And I am very seductive and sexual .... Never held a long term relationship get bored

---------- Post added at 22:49 ---------- Previous post was at 22:48 ----------

Moody .... Violent .... Spaced out. .. Obsessive. .. Clingy. ... Love spending large amounts of Money buying things !!

16-05-15, 00:17
You got those from google. Well with HA you will pick the worst things. Yes those all fit bipolar. You missed one thing though. Bipolar do it their way. Even on medication. A non medicated bipolar person would say this site is crap. A medicated one might pass through only. Still it is possible, so are you going to see a shrink and find out, Medication works well if you are which I still doubt. In the manic phase you would not only not sleep, but you wouldn't eat and you would work at an unbelievable rate. Uncontrollable anger can flare in seconds. You might ask advice but disregard it to the point of telling us we don't know what we are talking about. There are at least two bipolar on this site. It won't be in their nature to answer this unless they are on medication. They think different and it doesn't take a shrink long to see the patterns.

---------- Post added at 16:17 ---------- Previous post was at 16:13 ----------

Bipolar do tell lies but they don't think they do.

16-05-15, 04:43
Even amongst mental health professionals, diagnoses can be very subjective. Whether you are bipolar, borderline, depressed, anxious, whatever it is, it is just a label. It doesn't define who you are. They are just ways to group symptoms together that occur frequently in the same pattern and sometimes can help with medication or treatment recommendations. The important thing is that you are you, you are unique and your provider should treat you as such.

16-05-15, 04:56
Bipolar actually has 2 levels. The typical one we always hear about is the worst of the two but there is a lesser form with reduced intensity swings. Usually there are gaps between mood swings to either side of the polarity and if I recall rightly a bipolar diagnosis can be made based on 2 shifts per year as a minimum.

Below these are two other mood disorder forms with separate names that account for even lesser shifts in mood.

So, with what you wrote above could it be bipolar or one of the other forms? Possibly, but gaps are normally expected unless you suffer from "rapid cycling" too where gaps don't occur.

However, you mentioned on your other thread that you have now been diagnosed with Histrionic Personality Disorder. This also contains everything you have mentioned and it won't need the gaps in there because its more about how you live day to day as opposed to chemical based triggers.


I think its important other people read this too because I've noticed people get annoyed at constant thread posting but a PD can include that type of behaviour. We need to be making allowances for that fact.

16-05-15, 09:36
Well no I didn't Google actually for once lol ... No I listen too my family and friends and incredibility the men who I've had in my life it seems I go into the same pattern with every relationship .... Full speed ahead and when they cool off I'm like you don't love me etc so I start making stuff up etc too gain attention but I don't notice I do it at the time until I look back its all most like I believe those lies I get so good at making my brain believe it that u Luve it and everyone else around me believes me because um good at fooling everyone including myself .... Its annoying but its me I've been like it since 13 years old as I'm a beautiful woman I use my looks too get what I want I'm nice too my boyfriend when hes here but soon as he's gone I'm rude and annoying too the point he's begged me not too talk too him especially whilst he's at work obviously I do have good traits in me I'm not a complete idiot but I've had too see now that I cause most problems or at least my head does some would say a fantasist my dad who I'm close too calls me that but I've been like it as a kid ... I've always noticed I'm very different especially my way of thinking and especially with men . . I'm not one too follow the crowd I only like one on one company ... I get upset if no one admirers my beauty pathtic I know but try telling my head this on few occasions I've fooled woman but not so much more men

---------- Post added at 09:36 ---------- Previous post was at 09:27 ----------

Don't have graps I'm like it everyday and when I get bored I create some drama .... Usually something that pops in my head !!! But it's like I hate men but obviously I don't as I'm with them ... So hard too explain Its not nice being like this its like I have two sides no in between they are like light switches all day .... Normally ok when they here but soon as they gone I'm like a five year old child .... Give me some attention or I'll go **** someone WHO does not nice as I won't do that. But u say it anyway .... Oh my Man does say I say things in such a manner without thinking its not nice some times he tells me too read the texts I sent him and re think what I just said even I sometimes am like omg sorry thats awlful .... Its like a pattern everyday ..... It's horrible fighting good with evil ... But some men I've been with like the way I am find it a turn on so Im stuck in a rut don't really like opening up about all this but I tell ya its easier than talking face too face it's shaming plus I'm such a caring nice person why am I so shallow and needy and such a sex maniac I love sex especially when I get what I want the dirtier the better

16-05-15, 09:49
At least now you might be able to get an understanding of why you act in this way and what you can do to change it.

From what I know of PD's they are considered harder to resolve but they do get resolved, its just that they are much closer to your core beliefs.

Hopefully with some therapy you will find your way through it and be able to hold more stable relationships and cut down on the swings and anxiety.

My therapist thought I may have Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD) as I had the 4 minimum criterias for it. Sadly the therapy ended at that point and she said she wasn't qualified to make that diagnosis anyway (like my GP ever would be! :roflmao:) so I had to work it out for myself. I found out from reputable psychology literature that I would be resistant to treatment because I wouldn't believe there is anything wrong (which is considered Cluster C behaviour which OCPD fits into, yours is Cluster B so its different) which is not me at all. It could be said I was more like that before though but when there was no anxiety disorder but I didn't have the minimum 4 back then. So, back to GAD & OCD at that point.

16-05-15, 09:58
I'm accepting it kind of because everyone telling me but i do see a pattern but same time I'm like its me if they really love me they would accept me right?? Lol

16-05-15, 10:22
Thats probably because they are so ingrained in us, its something thats been with you a while and not all of it may be anxiety related so you can't see it as easily.

I would imagine your therapist will help you to recognise decisions which might not be in your best interests and how you can work on your thoughts so that you have better relationships with others that you don't regret later like with some of the comments.

At least you are getting some help with this now though and whilst its still all scary, you will have support to guide you in the right direction.

There are some user stories about PD's on MIND's website and I would imagine on Time To Change as well so it might be worth a look. Its usually easily to see things in others than it is yourself.

16-05-15, 14:15
If it is a cluster B personality disorder, the main treatment is DBT (Dialectical Behavioral Therapy). DBT is similar to CBT but is much more extensive, with interpersonal skills training, mindfulness meditation, relaxation techniques, and emotion regulation and distress tolerance training. It is a comprehensive program and I recommend you look into it if you are interested. It is really successful.