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15-05-15, 21:38
I am desperate for some help. I have consulted my doctor about this who was disinterested as it's not life threatening in my opinion.
In 2013 I had no periods for a year. I had a blood test in which I got told " normal except for ever so slightly high lh hormone" we went through my life style and diet etc and she said I sounded healthy. I display no other symptoms of pcos ( weight gain etc) but I know you can have the cysts ( pco) without the syndrome ( pcos)
No more said by doctors and turned away.
They came back on their own.
Now their regular every 38-43 days.
Their no longer painful except minor cramping a few hours before and first day and not very heavy ( no blood over night after first two days) add more like spotting day three- seven.
Before they stopped I used to be in lots of pain sometimes and very heavy.
I started my periods at ten years old and they stopped for a year at nineteen.
My question is does anywhere know if a slightly high lh is enough to stop periods and can it regulate it self and come back?
I know people with pcos sometimes have two or three times the lh level but my doctor only said mine was slightly high. So can a slightly high lh stop periods without it being pcos?
I'm terrified I'll never conceive in the future and the thought of never having children is taking over my life.
I'm due to start therapy again in a weeks times.
Thanks for any help.

18-05-15, 19:01
I teach natural family planning (sympto-thermal method) so I know probably way too much about the hormone cycle and their effects on the body! (full disclosure here)

Lutenizing hormone is produced by the pituitary gland in the brain to induce ovulation. Basically, there is a feedback loop between the brain and the ovaries. As the FSH climbs and stimulates the ovaries to mature a follicle (egg), the follicle begins secreting estrogen, which feeds back to the pituitary gland to secrete LH to cause the follicle to be released (ovulation). Basically, the egg says "OK, I'm ready!" and LH causes its release.

In general, the only thing that causes periods is the drop in progesterone following an ovulation. So yes, if you are not ovulating or ovulating only periodically you can have really long cycles, really short cycles, or some other wonky things happening. Stress and nutrition and general health can have a huge impact on the hormones that regulate your cycle, but it sounds like you are probably OK there.

If you want to confirm ovulation, you can look for two things (1) a cervical mucus build up prior to ovulation (the slippery, stretchy stuff that looks like raw egg white) and (2) a basal body temperature shift of 0.4 degrees or higher after ovulation has occurred that lasts until you get your period.

Regularity of your cycle has no impact on your ability to conceive, timing of intercourse to coincide with ovulation does.

I can help you more maybe off the boards if you are interested! :)

18-05-15, 20:06
Thanks :) can I ask do I sound like I have pcos from what I've said?
I'm so worried I'll never have children
I'm scared I never ovulate and won't ever conceive

Two months ago I had mucus in my underwear for two days then a week before my period. Last month just for two days sixteen days before period and this month have had it every day since my period ended and still getting it . Not sure if egg white or not though

18-05-15, 20:21
From what you've told me I don't think so. You may have wonky cycles - which typically self-correct with proper nutrition and exercise. You may also have a luteal phase deficiency since the window between ovulation and your period starting is so short. I've had that myself and corrected it by taking extra Vitamin C. There's no real way to tell without having a daily chart of your temperatures and signs to review, but my guess would be no. Plus when your doctor drew your blood I'm sure they were looking for indicators of PCOS and did not find any.

If you'd like to learn how to chart I can teach you - it's really pretty simple and gives you a huge insight into what's going on down there!

20-05-15, 13:16
Sorry for not replying sooner

Well yesterday about 4pm I noticed a lot of discharge in my underwear so went to check and found some really stretchy ewcm.
However when I went to check in the evening could not find ewcm. But was still very wet.
This morning I found some ewcm but now I'm finding none and not as much discharge in underwear. Using an ovulation calculator I put in 38 day cycle and 16 day luteal phase and got the dates 20th-24th may.
My question I'd even though I can't find ewcm every time is it possible it's just really high up and I'm not finding it? And can it still be their even if I'm not getting as much discharge in my underwear today?
Ovulation should occur on the 24th if theirs to be a 16 day lp and 38 day cycle.
Last cycle I noticed lots of cm in underwear 15/16 days before period but the cycle before that only had it between ten-four days before period started.