View Full Version : panicking. really really panicking

15-05-15, 22:15
I went on a four foot or so slide today in a fun house at a fair and didn't bend my knees. I hit the wall cushion at the bottom feet first legs completely straight and felt pain radiate all up my bum and back from my legs on impact. It ached for a bit after and now its half an hour and I'm feeling slight twinges and a bit of an ache and I'm so scared.
Have I permently damaged my back. Will it hurt for a long time. Will the pain get worse or is there risk of being paralysed or it started to hurt worse in the future or if I move it slightly wrong.
It only slightly aches and twinges and feels weird in the lower section near my spine and its only a little discomfort with occasional pain from time to time but I'm so scared.
Pleae ehelp what do I do

16-05-15, 01:46
Quite honestly, if it was something that would paralyze you, you would be paralyzed by now. It would have happened on impact. And, you'd pretty much have to be made of glass :)

Trust me - our bodies can take a lot of abuse! You're honestly just sore. Maybe you bruised something, who knows. I promise you that in a week or so it will be gone.

In the meantime, a hot bath or an ice pack may make you feel a little bit better.

16-05-15, 09:14
Quite honestly, if it was something that would paralyze you, you would be paralyzed by now. It would have happened on impact. And, you'd pretty much have to be made of glass :)

Trust me - our bodies can take a lot of abuse! You're honestly just sore. Maybe you bruised something, who knows. I promise you that in a week or so it will be gone.

In the meantime, a hot bath or an ice pack may make you feel a little bit better.

Thank you, this makes absolute complete sense, and even at the time I was like 'this is so stupid I'm obviously fine'.
The thoughts just wouldn't go away though. I mean I fell like 3 metres out of a tree on my back when I was 7 and just had bruising and got up two days later like nothing happened. It's these thoughts that accompany the (slight) pain that makes me simultaneously annoyed with myself and the situation worse.

Thank you again.