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View Full Version : I am so afraid of dying that I can't enjoy living :(

15-05-15, 23:07
I read some of your posts and think "they are only afraid of one thing" I'm afraid of everything! I am afraid of heights, elevators, ANY surgery that might put me under, even if it's a local (my biggest fear) flying, EATING (currently lost 18 pounds cause I feel like I"m choking) I'm a mess. I don't know how I"ve made it 44 years so far avoiding everything :( I feel like such a failure in life. I am trying to get back on medication, just hard finding the right one each time. But even when I'm feeling good again mentally, I still avoid everything that I'm scared of. :( Does anyone else have multiple fears? I'm soo soo afraid to ever go to my Dr.'s because she might want to do testing then a procedure. I think she is probably going to commit me pretty soon, if my husband doesn't :(

16-05-15, 04:44
Yes, as someone with GAD I have had many issues. At my worst stages I was as afraid of leaving the house or going to work as I was having a shower, brushing my teeth, eating was a major issue for a few weeks, taking supplements, doing anything new or outside or the daily routine.

The thing is many of them can relate to a central theme and its getting to this and treating the root which is very important.

I would suggest having a look at Davit's "Core Beliefs" thread as there are some links on there that explain how to drill down through thoughts to find the common underlying themes that need treating and how to change how we think about them.

16-05-15, 05:06
Thank you. I will!

16-05-15, 11:01
I no how u feel it's hard hope u begin to feel bett soon x