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View Full Version : Can this be right?

06-09-04, 23:46

I don't know what the crack is with this but i'm getting this scratchy tickle in my chest nearly all the time. Most of the time i'm not actually feeling anxious. Its so gettin me down and i feel like i'm just being stupid worring about it but its so annoying. does anyone else get this? is it a common thing? i just don't know how to get over it. The only time i can say i dont have it is when i wake up. Nothing seems to help it and i cant sleep most of the time coz its there.
Feels like its in my lungs or ribs could it be something the doctors have overlooked? Maybe a respiratory problem i do have slight asthma.
Think its starting to send me a bit cuckoo


07-09-04, 09:19
It is a well know fact that Mr panic is a master mimick.
He can make you think you have every complaint known to man and 99% of them deadly.

But my guess is that it is Mr panic trying to drive you mental by giving you an unexplainable condition.
Chest muscles can tighten with stress, so it could well be that.

Mention it to your doctor if you believe it may be asthma related.
Doctors are only human, so it is possible he may have missed something.

Love, light and Best wishes
Liz xxx
With hard work and determination and all the things you know.
The world is there for you to take. There's nowhere you can't go.

[:p]Scatty Eccentric & 'Poet Laureate to panic and anxiety'

07-09-04, 15:09
Hi Tym

I have had this but it was before i started having panic attacks, looking back i think my anxiety levels were high of course not knwing this i laught it off, i discribed it as a inch i cound'nt scrach i would stand there shaking myself from side to side, this dind'nt work but it made me and my parner laugh. I t only lasted a few days. if i had that symptom now and had not had it before i would think the same as you because thats wot Mr panic dose he gives us things and then we panic, we think that there is somthing wrong. If this has not helped and you still think it may be somthing else there is no harm in going to your GP.
Peace of mind goes along way.

Take care Jill :D