View Full Version : family

16-05-15, 20:25
Hi everyone was just wondering if u have the same problem as me with family they don't help me wot so ever i seem to be going through this on my own! They tell me to get a grip an stop been stupid, this for me is really hard i don't know why they are treating me like this?

16-05-15, 20:41
Hi Kim, this situation reflects badly on your family and not you. Once upon a time they may have had an excuse for their ignorance, but today there is more than enough awareness campaigns on the internet and in the media to make them appreciate you have a genuine illness that needs recognition.

Even if they can't understand it, and let's face it mental health problems 'are' difficult to understand if you don't have them, they can at least acknowledge your problems and make allowances for them. As for saying you are stupid, know that everyone here knows you are a decent human being who happens to have an illness. They speak from ignorance which is an ignorance easily rectified by a simple search on google.

Take good care, Fishy

16-05-15, 21:20
thankyou, its just really hard trying to tell them that i have an illness in not putting it on! They say to me wot have i got to be depressed about "wish i knew" everyone on here is really nice i just want my family to be like that!
even my partner is the same he tells me im ok an to get on with it