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View Full Version : Feeling a bit down in the dumps

17-05-15, 15:05
I've been doing pretty well with the HA lately. Having therapy sessions and although I still get niggles of physical symptoms but have been managing to mostly ignore them. However, overnight I've slept really badly due to indigestion/tummy aches and today I've been in bed all day feeling dreadful. Got a mixture of nausea, aches all over abdomen and intermittant sharp pains in abdomen. I've managed to eat a bowl of cereal but it didn't help. I've passed two bm's which were large and a bit diarrhoea-y (apologies for the tmi) and when I was sat on the loo the sharp pain in my left ribs was worse.
I had two glasses of white wine last night, which I realise is not excessive but I don't drink much at all. Has anyone experienced this kind of stomach flare up after alcohol (I don't mean a hangover from over drinking!). I feel so unwell right now that I don't know what to do with myself. Not surprisingly it's making my HA begin to rise again... (Particularly as my HA always focused on pancreatic cancer)

---------- Post added at 13:42 ---------- Previous post was at 13:31 ----------

I should mention that in reference to the PC fear, I've had a blood test back in Feb, an ultrasound in March (although not all of pancreas could be seen) and another full blood test a couple of weeks ago. All came back clear. On that basis I genuinely am trying to put the PC fear to bed, but when something like this happens I can't help it creeping back into my mind.
I also have muscle aches in my calves (particularly the right) which has been building up in the last few days even though I haven't particularly done any exercise to cause it...
Aargh! I'm so fed up of feeling ill!

---------- Post added at 15:05 ---------- Previous post was at 13:42 ----------

My aches and pains aren't going away when I take paracetamol and this is worrying me

17-05-15, 16:58
Hi Vicky
Sorry you're feeling rubbish, it's horrible being poorly. If you look at my thread history you'll see that I went through a pc worry phase. Needless to say I'm still here!

I find that wine makes my stomach very acidic and that can upset it, especially if you're not used to drinking very often.

Why don't you give yourself a good week to get over feeling ill. I bet you stomach is just out of kilter. They are very sensitive to stress etc.

Have a big hug and be gentle on yourself


17-05-15, 17:25
Thanks Mondie. I've looked at a few of your previous threads and cans see that you've had a traumatic time with your step-dad's cancer. I can empathise completely as my mother in law was diagnosed with inoperable cancer back in January and that is pretty much when my HA started. I was anxious about what was to come and felt awful for my husband who was faced with the loss of his mother. I am beginning to think that it triggered ibs which I suspect that I've been suffering with since. Am I right in thinking you have ibs? The symptoms I have seem to match ibs exactly, apart from the discomfort etc doesn't particularly go away after I've had a bm. I'm wondering though if alcohol is a trigger for it as there will be other times where I go for days without any stomach problems.
Thank you for your reply just now x

17-05-15, 17:54
I do have IBS and am actually having a flare up at the minute. Lots of indigestion, pains and aches in my stomach, loss of appetite...my symptoms are endless today! My IBS is triggered by stress, which I'm experiencing a lot of at the minute!

Hope you feel better soon xx