View Full Version : Really bad phobia of losing my teeth!!

17-05-15, 17:54
Hi everyone,

So lately I have had a really bad phobia of losing my teeth which I think has come on gradually over the years as I have always had a recurring nightmare about my teeth dropping out since I was a child.
These past couple of weeks have been the worse and it's all I seem to think about. I've been checking my teeth non stop to make sure none of my teeth are wobbly or rotten.
Ive always been a bit of a teeth grinder as well which I know is awful for my teeth but I can't stop doing it especially when I'm worried or stressed like I have been over my teeth.
I do always look after my teeth, I brush them twice daily and use a mouthwash and everyone always says how lovely my teeth look. However today I have noticed my right front tooth 'shakes' a bit whenever I tap it with my finger or try and move it with my finger. It doesn't look wobbly and doesn't feel wobbly as such it just kind of shakes a bit. My right front tooth has always slightly been a bit crooked compared to my left front tooth so I don't know if that could be the issue but I'm so worried my tooth is going to get worse and worse and just eventually drop out. I haven't eaten all day either in case my tooth drops out.
Has anyone else experienced this?
Please help as I'm really worried and can't stop shaking :(
Thank you everyone x

17-05-15, 18:45
You're hyper focused on this as it's your phobia. Based on what you said, your teeth are healthy. Keep up proper oral hygiene and visit your dentist 1-2 times a year and all will be well. And for goodness sakes, eat something. Your tooth isn't going to fall out!

Positive thoughts