View Full Version : Awful feelings and awful anxiety

17-05-15, 19:51
So, for the past 2 years, I have what I would call anxiety. I had my ups and downs, major health anxietys, been to the doctors for tests, ECG's, and I am what they call, normal.

But of course, my anxieties and thoughts tell me otherwise. I have been really great up until last week, where I was on a shirt flight home from holidays, as the plane readied for the runway, my heart POUNDING thought I really couldn't take much more.
I made it home, absolutely fine and slightly anxious. On the plane the entire time I was just very alert and worried my heart was going to stop.
But to be honest, I feel knocked back, I'm so anxious over everything. My heart palpitations and feeling funny again (I'm a huge coffee and cola drinker), my head pains and headaches, pains in my arms and chest sometimes, I just think I'm dying.

I don't want to go back to the doctors because I feel like such a time-waster......
Is this just a huge coincidence? Is there something wrong with me, or do you think the plane trip home has triggered my anxieties?

I would really appreciate anyone's help.

17-05-15, 20:24
hi iv only had anxiety an depression since Xmas an I had pains in every part of my body it hurt to the point where i didn't want to live anymore!
this past week tho iv not been to bad still get the odd pain now an then an still get a thud in my heart,
iv never been on a plane but if u was anxious anyway getting on a plane prob isn't the best thing haha! Hope u feel better soon :D