View Full Version : Does anybody's panic come in waves?

17-05-15, 23:37
I had a terrible attack last night; the kind I will overthink and analyze, in other words the worst ones. Lately, I have no trouble getting to sleep but I wake up an hour to two hours later with panic. Last night I woke up with a weird numb-but-not-actually-numb dull aching feeling in my cheek and it felt like numb pressure behind my ear. The pressure was making me nauseous. Panic kicked in and I couldn't get relief as I paced around. When I sat down and tried to calm down, rationalising that I can still move my face, nothing is drooping etc, it started to work, but then thoughts of "I don't want to wake people up because I am panicking" and "what if I need to go to ER" make the cheek pain/ear numbness stronger. So I would calm down then start panicking again so it's hard to tell if the sensation or the thoughts were causing more panic. Does this happen to anyone else? Has anyone had cheek pain or ear numbness? Night time panic attacks are ten times stronger for me. Eventually I distracted myself with reading and after an hour and a half went back to sleep.

Now, of course, this morning all I can think about is what happened last night, which is bringing the dull cheek ache on again :(

18-05-15, 03:30
My panic sometimes comes in waves like that. And in a few of my worst panic attacks my arms, hands, legs and feet got tingly and numb feeling. Panic can definitely cause physical sensations which just makes it so much worse. Night time attacks are very difficult because you feel even more alone because everything is quiet and there is little to distract you. I can relate. I usually have to turn on the tv and try to watch something funny and try to be super quiet. Sometimes it helps, sometimes I just have to suffer through until I'm too exhausted to stay awake. It's awful. I just try to remind myself that it's just a panic attack and it will be over soon and I've been through how many of them and this one is no different. I hope you feel better :)

18-05-15, 08:59
I get nighttime panic just like that. Panic, calm myself, another wave hits, repeat. I always have to distract myself until I can doze back off.

18-05-15, 21:37
For the past two weeks, my panic attacks have come in waves, it's been horrible :(