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View Full Version : Please help! Scared - vertical lines on fingertips

17-05-15, 23:38
Hey guys i am extremely freak about this I can't find anything about what would cause this on the internet...

My pinky and my ring finger on my right hand have deep vertical lines running though the fingerprint... I have never seen this before I think it is a new occurrence as I think I would have noticed this.

What really bothers me is that I have a tremor in this hand and it twitches sometimes.

I am worried that this is atrophy or a sign of ALS but I can't find anything about it online..

I guess what I am wondering is if anyone else has these?!! Do you think this is normal? Should I see a doctor!?



18-05-15, 01:24
You did notice it and many others have the same thing.


Positive thoughts

18-05-15, 02:38
Navigating this site is enough to give anybody a panic attack...

18-05-15, 11:18
Yep. I'm very selective about which threads I read. Once the seed is planted...

18-05-15, 14:25
What? Sorry I caused you anxiety? I just wanted reassurance which both of you failed to offer...

18-05-15, 14:37
How old are you?? I have had vertical lines on nearly all my fingernails since I was in my early 40's, they are a sign of ageing and dryness. Horizontal lines are usually sign of trauma to the nail at some earlier time so on my two thumb nails that i slammed in doors I have got two horizontal dents in the nail bed!

The only vertical line to bother about is if the line is under the nail and looks like a red or black splinter and goes from base to tip as this can in rare cases be due to a growth on your nailbase but of course can just be again from trauma.

Hope this helps.

I have a slight tremor on one hand due to damage to my neck. also anxiety can cause it as well.

18-05-15, 15:07
Hi country girl,
Thank you for your response, I am only 23!! That is what freaks me out... I feel I shouldn't be wrinkling yet.... but in my heart I know that if I go to the doctor and tell him about this he will think i'm looney... i guess I was just looking for others who had this as well.

Thank you again :hugs:

18-05-15, 15:13
I am 26 and have lines all over my nails. Went through a nail panic similar to what you at going through a few years ago. Honestly country girl is right. And if it was something bad, it would be obvious.

18-05-15, 15:42
And guys, the lines aren't on my nails, but on the pulp of the actual finger !

18-05-15, 21:30
And guys, the lines aren't on my nails, but on the pulp of the actual finger !

Yes I get this all the time. Go stick your fingers near a radiator for 10 minutes and drink some hot tea then come back and tell me how it goes! :)

19-05-15, 00:49
I just realized I have them too and not worried even a little. They're nothing and they are definitely, 100% NOT athrophies due to ALS. This is why googling and reading symptoms without actually seeing them is dangerous. I don't know if you've seen actual hand atrophy but it's nothing like lines, or dents or little dimples, the whole muscle disappears, gets smaller not bits of it and like I told you before, there are no vague"beginning" signs of ALS. The very first symptom would be significant enough to cause concerns for doctor. Your doctor said you're absolutely fine.

19-05-15, 07:49
Hi, how are you today? Hope those lines are bothering you too much today. Sending :hugs:

19-05-15, 09:02
What? Sorry I caused you anxiety? I just wanted reassurance which both of you failed to offer...

Sorry Lilly it wasn't directed at you at all. I was agreeing with slyman that reading through some of the threads here can bring on anxiousness. I won't open some threads because I'm afraid I will start experiencing some of the symptoms mentioned in them. :)

19-05-15, 09:07

Swajj that can happen unfortunately. But on the whole it's good for people to get it 'off their chests' so to speak and discussing symptoms can help especially if their are people who feels the same way.. But you have to pull back from the site if you feel it's making you worse or avoid certain threads yes.

19-05-15, 16:34
Hi Swajj,

okay I am glad it was not directed at me, I felt a little attacked. As Trueman said, people need to know their triggers, and you should always stay away from sites which make you more anxious!


Thank you,
you are a great help. I know I read something ONE time on an ALS forum, where a patient was describing how her fingers looked permanently pruned and that really freaked me out,.. however it does not seem to be anywhere in the literature. I have also read that people with ALS on the forums sometimes relate all of their symptoms before their diagnosis to ALS. Which can really strike fear in worriers like me.

Thank you again for all of your help!

---------- Post added at 15:34 ---------- Previous post was at 14:57 ----------


Mine look allot like this but only on my ring and pinky of my right hand

20-05-15, 10:31
Hi Liilly I have looked at the pic and I honestly think your lines are normal. Do yo mean on the pads of your fingers or under your finger nails? I have vertical lines on the pads of my fingers and some run up my whole fingers. Also some are quite deep. My guess would be that you have always had them but because you haven't focused on them before you haven't noticed them.

20-05-15, 14:29
Hi Swajj,

fingerpulp not nail! Like in the photo. I am not sure, I feel I would have noticed but maybe you guys are all right.. I mean I guess it depends on the lighting how visible the wrinkles are... I hope everyone is right! Now if this hand would stop twitching I could move along with my life haha,.
