View Full Version : A very good reason why I haven't been around.

18-05-15, 12:33
Thursady 22nd January wasn't feeling great so went to the doctors accompanied of course. She said I had a bit of reflux take some medicine but come back the next day for an ECG.

Went back at 2.PM had the ECG and I had actually beeb having a heart attack since the day before.

Rushed from the surgery to the cardiac department at St.George's had two stents, five days in hospital and back home.

Then the realisation set in and got extremely depressed (which is quite common).I was a smoker,but that was the warning and though it has mucked my bowels up I quit and have beaten the withdrawal symptoms.

All the medication which I now have to take for life doesn't agree with me very well but I have no choice.

I have had a 24 hour ECG holster after the 12 weeks and seen the cardiologist who saved my life and in his words "I got off lightly" and my heart is now good and he will see me in a year.

Unfortunately I have other health and teeth problems but being on blood thinners complicates the correction with my teeth.

Oh I also have prostitis which isn't very pleasant.

I would say my stress levels have over ridden my anxiety and I am feeling isolated and a bit sorry for myself.My wife doesn't know what to do with me and those who remember me will know our daughter has been ill for years with migraine type symptoms and they are no better.

Stay strong I say to myself, but it's bloody difficult.

I have to say as far as treatment goes in NHS hospitals it is second to none but I can't say the same at the GP surgeries,even allowing for the immense amount of patients they have and people with complex problems including anxiety are difficult to help or even understand.

18-05-15, 15:17
Wow, ricardo, what a stressful few months for you!! I'm glad you are ok and the md says your heart looks good now. Of course you will have tons of emotions from this experience, it's a no brainer. Congratulations on quitting smoking and getting healthy!! I hope everything goes ok with your daughter. I'd write more, but am on my phone and it's difficult. :hugs:

18-05-15, 22:27
Oh no Ronny what a crap time you have had or it, it sounds very luck that there wasn't any lasting damage to your heart fingers crossed that continues for you.

I had wonderred where you had disappeared to and good to see you back again :)

20-05-15, 17:08
I am not new to this site and have had GAD for thirty years and have had every conceivable drug and other treatments such as acupuncture,hypnosis and CBT but my subconscious doesn't let me get better.
I recently had a heart attack and now take numerous pills for life and medication nearly always gives me terrible side effects.My 3 month consultation with my cardiologist was good as he said my heart was good but I think I am still in shock
I am also under treatment for a urinary problem which hasn't been diagnosed properly in 9 years and also I have a fear of constipation and my GP has arranged a flexible sigmoidoscopy for me having already had a stool test and physical colon test which was OK but the waiting for the final appointment which is now over 3 months,hasn't been confirmed.
On top of all this a dentist damaged my top teeth and ripped the bone in my upper jawa (last October) tried to rectify it quickly with not one but three partial dentures, none fitted and then he gave me my money back.
I reported him to the Fitness to Practice Council and he is under investigation.I also threatened to take him to court and he has just settled out of court.
During this stressful period I had my heart attack at the end of january so being on blood thinners all teeth work is on hold.I have three upper side teeth left.
My anxiety has soared and I take Xanax but it doesn't help anymore but my GP can't just take me off them as that would be dangerous.
I have never felt so depressed in my life and get no support or real understanding from my wife, my daughter ignores me.
I sleep very little and usually wake up shaking like a pneumatic drill at about 2AM every day.
I feel unwanted and just can't cope and I have no friends and though not suicidal I feel if I didn't wake up tomorrow I wouldn't be missed.
Has anyone got any advise for me as I have a real complex problem with extreme anxiety,stress and health problems.No teeth but still got all my hair.
my best therapy would be to talk to someone who understands real anxiety, most GP's don't, just offer pills
I hope I have posted this in the right place.

Sorry I am repeating a lot of my original post but then again I really have a lot on my plate and can't think properly.

Thanks Emmz and swgrl:hugs:

21-05-15, 09:43
Welcome back Ricardo. Obviously sorry you have had such a bad time. Hope we can all support you on here.
