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18-05-15, 14:08
Is it normal to have a lot of increased anxiety when starting Cymbalta? I'm on day 3, was on it a few years ago and don't remember if it caused increased anxiety or not. It stopped working a year ago so I tapered off. After six months of trying other Meds, I'm back on it...I'm needing help. I'm taking it for GAD, panic, depression, everything basically. I wish someone could talk to me. I'm not sleeping at night...maybe 2-4 hour of interrupted sleep. I'm on 30mg..and very sensitive to meds. This is terrible. I've been dealing with panic and anxiety non stop for two months now. I have xanax but I've become dose tolerant so trying hard to not take them except at night or if real bad. I'm tired of anxiety
:( Michelle

18-05-15, 19:16
I've been on Cymbalta a while. I remember when I first went on them I wanted to stop because I felt worse, but that settled down and they work well for me now.

18-05-15, 20:22
Thank you for responding! Did they increase your anxiety at first? I can't remember when I took them the first time what it did. I hope it will work again...running out of meds :(

---------- Post added at 12:55 ---------- Previous post was at 12:54 ----------

How long have you been on Cymbalta?

---------- Post added at 13:22 ---------- Previous post was at 12:55 ----------

How long have you been on Cymbalta?

24-05-15, 08:41
Until you go up to 60mg, you are only getting the equivalent of a SSRI, Once you go to 60mg, it starts to interact with your adrenaline levels.

I found the 30mg made we very nauseous the first night for a about 30 minutes after I took it and the second night was a lesser effect. After that it seemed to not be too bad and I even had 5 days where I felt better and then it went downhill again with my anxiety.

At this point I increased to 60mg and suffered very badly for about 8-10 days, much worse than my anxiety has ever been. I had adrenaline rushes for 1.5 hours upon waking and then terrible agitation most of the day.

After that it dropped off a lot. However, I have still been having a load of problems with a cycling on/off issue with adrenaline & anxiety and after talking to some of the Ven users, I think its my medication. However, I did suffer some of the more uncommon side effects so that might be why I'm not very suited to it.