View Full Version : Back on escitalopram

18-05-15, 14:20
Well after trying many SSRI's and then Mirtazapine (which got rud of the physical symptoms but send me crazy) I am now on 15mg Mirtazapine which is great for sleep and 10 mg of Esc. I was on 5mg for 7 days then increased to 10mg. Today is my 6th day at 10mg. Felt ok last week but this week keep getting hot flashes whenever I have intrusive or anxious thoughts and feel terrible in a morning. Also had restless legs and night sweats last night. I have gone on these to give myself a bit of stability. In the last 10 weeks I gave withdrawn from Sertaline, tried Mirtazapine at 15,30 and 45 to where I am now. I feel very nauseus and cant remember this last time but it was 5 years ago. Anyone else just started this med? Been referred to mental health team but all they do is an assessment and you then self refer for cbt. Dont even get to see the psychiatrist which is who I need to see because my GP wants my meds reviewing.