View Full Version : Dull headaches and nausea?

18-05-15, 18:42
Heyo, 19-year-old male here.

Last week I had some sharp twinge-like headaches in the back of my head which I put down to tension headaches. A few days from that I got this dull headache all of a sudden, accompanied by mild nausea (felt like "normal" headache induced nausea).

During the evening of the same day I semi-suddenly felt somewhat dizzy while being on the computer. It felt as if the floor was bouncing up and down beneath me and I felt it more prominently when I got up and walked. I've had this in the past so I didn't think too much of it. I still had the feeling of going up and down the next day but it didn't bother me too much so I dismissed it.

However, for the past two days I've had a pretty persistent, dull headache on the right side of my head that makes me feel somewhat nauseous. Being the hypochondriac I am, I'm of course already frightened that it'd be a tumor or something of the likes. When should I get worried if the headaches and nausea persist?

18-05-15, 18:53

There are so many reasons you could be getting this and all harmless. I know our minds automatically go to 'Tumor'.

I've suffered with all types of headaches and had migraines for years, most recently i've been having a strange stabbing headache which i can't seem to find a link for, i frequently get dull headaches sometimes around the back of my head.

Many things can cause this for example lack of sleep, lack of water, incorrect pillow, stress/anxiety, food triggers i.e Gluten/MSG/Apartame, Stiff neck muscles.
So i try to fix all of these and then see if the headaches ease. Which they always have done.

If an headache persists regardless of what you do to try and help it then yes you could see your doctor and mention that you're worried about it.

Brain tumor's are very rare and carry other symptoms. Migraines can cause nausea.
Around 300 teenagers and young adults (aged 15 to 24) are diagnosed with brain tumours in the UK each year. (Very Rare)

How many of those people ^^ Do you think knew they had a tumor and were online looking it up before they were diagnosed? I would say close to 0%.

Hope this helps some