View Full Version : Just wanted to tell someone !

19-05-15, 08:23
It taken me a week to post as I want sure weather or not too,
I've not been around much as some if you know I've had a few health problems.
I do still pop on and have a look around but I really don't have any energy by the evening to go into chat etc.
I have had a but if a struggle to get a diagnosis and have had many tests and scans which for me in itself is a big step forward as am petrified of hospitals
The doctor I have now has diagnosed fibromyalgia and the eye pain and pins and needles are a form of migraine.
At first I was relieved but now I'm in a right muddle , it has dawned on me that this won't get better and I have to live with this.
I find it hard talking about be as it is so to try to tell people us really hard
I tried to tell work and the reply I got was "at least it's nothing bad "because you can't see it I guess people don't believe me.
This has made my panic attacks and anxiety come back after doing so well for so long.
I don't really want anything I just wanted to tell people I know who won't judge me and will understand.
It all seems to much information to take in and I'm not sure what to do next so plodding off to work each day and controlling the pain as best I can is what I'm doing for now
As always thank you for listening


19-05-15, 08:48
Hi Rach,

Not particularily helpful from work. Sometimes people don't know what to say and up saying a daft comment like this which just annoys the other person as they feel like they don't really have something legitimate.

I think things like CFS/ME & Fibro are even les understood than anxiety & depression in the wider world. ME used to have some media profile but I think its just died off as its seen as a lesser one compared to degenerative conditions (I remember it was getting some profile around the time when MS was too).

There are specific forums for Fibro so I guess the logical next step would be to learn from people who've been living with it. I've read posts on fibro threads when I've been searching for information on forms of treatment in the past and they seem well versed and many have tried all sorts. As ever though, there will be a mixture of severities so remember to take a balanced view.

19-05-15, 22:50
thank you for your reply :)
I will have a look around and I may try talking to work again next week

14-11-15, 21:32
I erm, would recommend looking into Markus Rothkranz stuff (yeah I know I sound like a broken record, but I really think that the body can be transformed with the right care :) ).

Do you have IBS?

I mean, this is one of those situations where I should just make the suggestion and that's it really - some people find it interesting and some people dismiss it.

Anywho erm, website here: www.markusrothkranz.com (http://www.markusrothkranz.com)

And also many other health enthusiasts will say that it can make a huge difference and even reverse things, but he's my fave by far.

I do wish you all the best :)

15-11-15, 03:01
I erm, would recommend looking into Markus Rothkranz stuff (yeah I know I sound like a broken record, but I really think that the body can be transformed with the right care :) ).

Do you have IBS?

I mean, this is one of those situations where I should just make the suggestion and that's it really - some people find it interesting and some people dismiss it.

Anywho erm, website here: www.markusrothkranz.com (http://www.markusrothkranz.com)

And also many other health enthusiasts will say that it can make a huge difference and even reverse things, but he's my fave by far.

I do wish you all the best :)

Did he return from the desert with 2 tablets with some writing on? :winks:

15-11-15, 11:36
Rach I am so sorry honey, after all you have been through this is the last thing you need.

Have a look online at Spoon Theory. It is a great way to explain to people just how debilitating fybro really is.

Until people experience chronic pain and fatigue they can never understand it. I know I didn't and I feel so ashamed of my thoughts of others who were suffering. Now I know better.

I don't have fybro but RA but a lot of the symptoms and general fatigue and requirements to pace myself are similar.

Now for a leg slap, next time I see you in chat, come speak to me about this, we can console each other.
