View Full Version : slow heart and weird sensations

19-05-15, 08:50
Hi all
I've been having this weird feeling that I hope u can help me with.
So far its only happened twice but it's enough to start to freak me out.
Basically sometimes when I sleep I wake up to what feels like is my heart feeling likes being squeezed... Not my chest but specificallyy heart. Then it feels like it's not beating at a normal resting rate. It feels like its hardly beating at all. When this happens I feel like my entire body is numb. I start getting w ird sensations in my brain. I start feekings hot stone ppl will automatically assume its anxiety but ita not. Bc I feel no sense of anxiety... Only extremely fatigued. This happened to me once a few weeks ago too and I felt like I was goijf to close my eyes and never wake up again.
I haveno idea what ccould cause these weird sensations.
Could it be a heart issue Eben though ive had tests in the past ??? Could it be an embolsim o a minor heart attack??
Could it be a bad form of acid reflux. I dont know.
Does anyone have insight or felt this way.

19-05-15, 09:46
your GP will be able to rule out a heart attack with a simple 12 second ecg if your concerned go see your GP and talk through your symptoms hope all is well for you =)