View Full Version : feeling of lack of oxygen

19-05-15, 10:36
I woke this morning with a tight chest it finally eased off after the school run but I have been home for a hour and half when I eat I have to like gasp I feel I'm not getting enough oxygen I take big deep breaths it feels like my lungs are not working /fulling it's so strange I feel really tiered today and almost like trances I keep zoning out and daydreaming ect I'm getting really worried because I have little ones on my own whike my partner is at work im scared something bad is going to happen and they will witness it and be left here with me while I'm laying yhere ect I'm really trying everything I can to feek like im breathing but it's not working I keep getting cold shivers I think my body is shutting down

---------- Post added at 10:36 ---------- Previous post was at 10:33 ----------

Also I have started to not be able to get to sleep like I will go at 9 and be awake until 1 and have to wake up at 7.30 ect so that may be why I'm yawning but it does not explain why I feel I can't breathe I did go to doctors 2 months ago for my oxegon to be 90% but when I got to hospital it was 96-99 and they said that's perfect so I shouldn't of been there but I'm scared

19-05-15, 11:08
Hyperventilating. And tiredness most likely. Just try the breathing exercises. In through nose for at least 6 elephants! And then slowly out..

Also I find the NHS breathing CD helpful for this. Relaxation one. Run a bath, candles and lavender bubbles..

---------- Post added at 11:08 ---------- Previous post was at 11:07 ----------

Btw below 95% oxygen (consistently is the key here) borderline low ish I believe. I vary from 95-100 throughout day.. :hugs: It changes throughout day just like heart rate.

19-05-15, 12:12
Thankyou Im trying deep breathing with no relief makes me feel nausea and lIghtheaded which is really worrying me I can still talk ect but it's just this feeling of empty Ness and asif the air is only going half way down I feel exhausted xx

19-05-15, 12:45
It's anxiety. I get that a lot. Try to tell yourself it is. You are just thinking about your breathing too much perhaps. If really concerned get to the GP but try and relax as best you can first to rule out anxiety :D

19-05-15, 15:54
I'm still suffering now my partner gets back from work at 7 so think im going to go to out of hours I have never felt like this before its causing me to have that tense feeling like the doom kinda feeling I feel I need to rush everything because I feel I'm going to die very soon .
I haven't felt like this bad before and I don't have no reason to be anxiouse accept for the fact I can't breathe I pray it is anxiety but something us telling me it's not

19-05-15, 16:01
Okay. You go and get it checked. Important you do if you feel that bad. Let's us know how you get on. Fingers crossed all ok and you can move foward. Hugs.

19-05-15, 17:04
I've had this problem since I was 10 years old, I now realise I've always been an anxious person! I know the feeling you're describing and it only gets worse the more you think about it and it can be really horrible cos you're convinced you're not breathing properly! Try and distract yourself with something as much as you can :)
Just seen you're going to get it checked... That's good cos they can reassure you and you might then panic a bit less and your symptoms will lessen. Good luck :)

20-05-15, 10:49
Hi. Hope you are ok today. How did you get on?