View Full Version : tummy problems

19-05-15, 16:44

I have IBS and diverticular disease, like many people my age, but, as you know, suffer from HA. I have just had my breasts checked today as I have a regular appointment with my GP to make sure I am not worrying about anything. That's all fine but IBS has been playing up for a week or two. Does anyone else with IBS have a feeling of a lead weight in their tummy?:blush:

19-05-15, 16:59
I have IBS and have had every strange feeling possible. I do get that heavy feeling a lot, I think it's very common :)

19-05-15, 20:49
Thank you. Hope you are well at the moment.

20-05-15, 09:11
I've had IBS but only mildly so it doesn't bother me much and I seem to have the odd flare up with it. I've had heaviness and I think its probably all the trapped wind. You get it with the runs as well regardless of IBS and you can feel it suddenly squeeze and then, well, out it comes. The heaviness usually passes then for me.

21-05-15, 15:26
Thank you Terry. I hadn't thought of trapped wind....don't know why as I do have a problem with wind!!!