View Full Version : Hello! New here and full of health anxiety :)

19-05-15, 20:32
Hello everyone!

I have been reading this site for quite a while now and finally decided I would like to get involved with posting...whether it is for my own personal sanity or to possibly help others in reassurance! Be gentle, I'm new! :)

I have been stricken with Health Anxiety since my late teens/early 20s...(I will be 29 tomorrow!) and I'm not really sure why. I had a major procedure when I was 18 and everything went well..but a couple of years later, I started worrying about every little health ailment. Thankfully my anxiety subsided for a few years, but came back with a vengeance this past September when I had my Gallbladder removed (I'm thinking there's a surgery correlation to this!) I was also 6 weeks away from my wedding, which didn't help the matter.

My health background involves possible malignant hyperthermia (possible anesthetic allergy), Pectus Excavatum (which was my major surgery repair at 18) and a minor heart arrhythmia, pvcs, tachycardia, etc. But, like I said, I was doing just fine until I had my Gallbladder removed, and it went downhill from there.
First of all, I am always a bit anxious for surgery due to my possible malignant hyperthermia- My aunt died from it, and there are no tests that are 100% accurate yet. Either way, I have been put under 3 times now, all with no problem. Yet, after the removal, I have been slammed with panic attacks, health anxiety, and worry. I am driving my family crazy... and as a newly wed, my husband is not loving this "new" side of me!!

Unfortunately, the internet is my biggest downfall, googling every ache and pain. I know, I know...I shouldn't do it, but it's very difficult when "knowledge" is always at your disposal. My head tells me no, but I still do it anyway.

Ok, long introduction for a short way of saying "Thank you" for this site. Many of you have made me feel better just by reading some of your posts, and I hope this will help continue my recovery from all of this!:yesyes:

19-05-15, 20:37
Hiya bha123 and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

19-05-15, 20:46
Welcome to NMP :welcome: