View Full Version : Possible HIV/ Hep C contraction?

19-05-15, 20:41
Hi. Today my friend gave me some tobacco to smoke. I noticed he had just shaved and he was bleeding a little on his neck.

If he touched the blood, then the tobacco, and then I smoked it- is it possible I could contract something? Hiv? Hep?

Gary A
19-05-15, 20:51
That's one almighty stretch. I really don't think you should concern yourself with that, I doubt it's even a remote possibility.

19-05-15, 21:27
I know it's a stretch, but it's something that bothers me. I say to myself "i ruined my future because I wanted to smoke"

19-05-15, 23:11
100% IMPOSSIBLE!! Even assuming that your friend is infected with either virus AND that he touched the blood AND transferred some to the tobacco (wildly improbable!), the HIV and HEP C virus would need to enter your blood stream THROUGH BROKEN BLEEDING SKIN in order to infect you - smoke cannot physically get into your blood stream, right? So forget it - you put yourself at zero risk - ZERO! Stopping smoking would be great for all sort of other health reasons, as I am sure you know, but your current concern is completely unfounded. Best wishes from Annie