View Full Version : Day 14 - any advice

20-05-15, 09:18
Well I am on day 14. 7 days at 5ml and 7 at 10 mg. However I still feel really anxious. My symptoms being waves of adrenaline and thoughts all the time about not being able to cope or that nothing is going to work. I am still having to take diazepam to help with the anxiety. Last time I went on these they seemed to work quicker, however I wasnt as bad as I am this time. Can someone please reassure me that they take time to get into my system and that I cant feel this anxious for ever xxxx

20-05-15, 12:07
They do take time to work, especially if you haven't leveled out at your dose yet. I probably felt better in a month on 10 mg, then started to feel worse again, went up to 20 mg and after a month I felt great and stayed there for a year. Give it time, you'll get there :hugs:

15-06-15, 10:28
It all takes time sweetheart. At day 14 I had good days and bad days but now 2 years later, I am more or less good all the time. I just had a blip dealign with my bf going back to USA. But I am fine again now, this meds has so helped me but it took a while to really help me become normal again. Just take each day at a time and notice how many fewer days are bad in every month that follows xxxxx