View Full Version : pain in chest left arm and shoulder

20-05-15, 12:20
H for a couple of days now been having odd pains in chest area, usually on the left side amd to the ribs and armpit. Naturally i thought heart or stroke . As i have pain in left arm and ring fingr. Hd 4 ecgs this yr already so thinkin cant be heart probs as they wud have found something then. I do have since a month now sorre spot near my left shoulder blade. CUd this be a cause of it all. Just feel really crap a mo. Just been off my anti dep plls 2 weeks now nd dont want to take them?again as i was a zombie when on them. CUd it be a trapped nerve. Ny ideas wht it can be ?

22-05-15, 03:48

I too suffer from pain in my left shoulder and arm. I have a problem with my ulnar nerve and elbow so I'm always told the pain relates to that. I still worry from time to time though that its my heart but I'm still here and all is ok.

Take care and hope you feel better soon.

22-05-15, 05:08
I've been experiencing all sorts of chest pains and palpitations etc for about 11 years now. I still get scared at the symptoms sometimes. I have had so many tests done (mainly within the first 3 years of diagnosis). They always turned out ok. If you're really worried it's always best to see your dr. first, but I'm sure you are fine. And a lot of times, a pulled muscle(s) can be the source - I had a pulled chest muscle this week - scared the crap out of me last night. Hope you feel better! :)

02-06-15, 11:20
Thank you for the calming words. as my last ecg was at the end of march and that was okay , i dont think its my heart. shoulder still hurts abit an d have funny pains in left arm and occasionaly right. Been to see a osteopath and he found a tense area in upper back area near left shoulder blade. he says its just muscle tension. think i need to believe wht he said and stop panicking so much. he also said tht i have a muscle dysbalance which apparently can cause all sorts of aches and pains.

still scares me though.

trying to do yoga to calm me down. seems to help a little.