View Full Version : Moles again- trying not to google!!

20-05-15, 17:29
Hi! I have a second dermatology appt tomorrow because at my first one I only showed them the moles on my back. They're monitoring those ones over a few months. I've got so many moles and dark freckles though. I've read so many stories in the past of people with melanoma and their mole was only a tiny thing if 1mm or less!! I'm worried because the derm only seems to be bothered if my moles are large/ have itched bled etc. I have a couple of really really dark moles that are new and I'm so scared they're cancer and that it won't be be detected because the derm won't take small ones seriously. They must be only 2-3mm at most.
I've been feeling achey and unwell in general for a few weeks as well as extremely anxious. I'm worried these symptoms are down to malignant moles :(
I've posted about this before and tried to rationalise everything but I think with my impending appointment i'm a bit worried about the doctor dismissing me.
Any tips on how to get my worry across to the doctor without being dismissed :unsure:

Gary A
20-05-15, 17:56
Show the dermatologist the moles and take their advice. If they say they're fine then they're fine, that's not you being "dismissed".

20-05-15, 17:58
Thanks, I know that's the rational thing to think but my mind is being anything but lately. I'm starting cbt soon so hopefully that will help. I just worry because I get a bit flustered when I see a doc then worry that I haven't got across everything! Probably because I've worked myself up before I go in

22-05-15, 21:37
I totally understand your fear. I am going through the same; however I'm awaiting my results from a mole that was removed from my left big toe, slightly under the nail. Well it was under the nail. I gave birth 7 weeks ago, to a gorgeous baby girl and I'm in total panic. I'm lucky I'm a Max Fax nurse and my consultants I work with got me straight into dermatology and they took it off and sent it off as urgent. Knowing the process and terminology - I've been in bits awaiting the results and consequently dreading the postman and living although I have a death sentence already. I'm so depressed. I'm tired from all the sleepless nights.

So I really do understand your concerns and worries. I don't believe the medical profession and I work in the field!

I do hope your appointment goes well.


23-05-15, 11:54
I had a benign mole removed last year as I got obsessed with it. There was slight colour change as well. I asked for to be removed as I said it would settle down my anxiety. I'd really express that your anxiety will not go unless your know 100%.

Its actually really good your proactive my mate had a mole mapping on his back as he was a little worried about them and they followed up over several months to look for changes but it was all good.

Any mole removed is automatically sent for biopsy so don't worry if yours get popped off.

26-05-15, 00:00
Thanks for your replies :) I went to my appt and it all felt a bit rushed. I showed the woman my moles and she just said 'fine' to each one and then told me about the A B C D checking thing. I left feeling a bit deflated.
I'm now worried again because I didn't show her a mole in my lower leg which I wasn't concerned about last week because I was concentrating on other new ones. I think I've had this mole for a while but it's about 6-7mm and a bit irregular. It's not dark but the edges aren't completely even. It's not raised or anything. I've been to the specialist dermatology unit twice in one month and I don't think they would fit me in again so soon. I just wish I had shown the derm this one!! Why won't my mind let me rest :(
I told my gp about my health anxiety a couple of weeks ago and I'm waiting on talking therapy. I'm worried that if I go back to her she won't refer me onto the derm again because I've been recently. It's so difficult having so many moles and freckles, I don't want to even look at my skin because I get that horrible sick feeling of dread.
HA is such a trap, I feel like I can't continue going on like this. I know that I suffer from General anxiety and depression but it seems HA Is my biggest problem. I'm just rambling I suppose :doh: