View Full Version : Anxiety-Constant Blood Clot Worry

20-05-15, 20:45
I have had severe health anxiety of about 6 months now. My biggest worry at the moment is a blood clot in the leg. I have been to the doctor and had at least 6 ultrasounds on both legs, as pain goes from one leg one week to the other. I do have a cyst behind one knee, which explains the one, even though I keep thinking that changes to a clot. I have no history of clotting, no family history, no recent surgeries, no birth control, non smoker, basically have no real reason to believe I would have one. Help me get over this! I dont want to keep going to the doc and getting ultrasounds, I am sure they think I am crazy. Anyone else had this worry?

21-05-15, 09:53
Hi there,

Welcome to NMP. Yes, this is a pretty common concern for people with Health Anxiety.

Given that you've had so many ultrasounds and all of them have been fine, it's pretty likely that your pain is because you're fixating in your legs and they're becoming crampy/painful as a result; the mind can do incredible things.

Have you sought any treatment for your anxiety? IMO, if you can relieve some of the anxiety or at least distract yourself, the leg pain will go away.

All the best :)

22-05-15, 15:55
Thank you for the reply! Yes, I am seeing someone for the anxiety. Hoping to help it with therapy and if not will start meds.

Have a great weekend!

24-05-15, 00:02
I have this same concern but it's been just a month for me. I have had 2 blood tests and one ultrasound, have been to the hospital four times and have seen 6 different doctors. I feel like I'm in a constant state of panic over it everytime I feel a new sensation in my leg. I have not been able to get any reassurance that lasts longer then a day maybe two tops. I also have a cyst on the back of my knee that they say is causing the pain but say it doesn't explain the pain in my thigh. I am trying to push through and tell myself this is all anxiety and because I'm fixating on this one leg I feel more. It is really hard tho. I wish you all the best and know you are not alone.