View Full Version : piles or something worse?

20-05-15, 20:57
Hi guys,

Not a nice one i am afraid but could do with some advice. I went to the doctors last week with what i thought was piles. I have a lump on the outside of my anus that is purple in colour and last Friday was painful upon clenching and to the touch.

Doctor had a look and said it was external piles and gave me a cream to use. The pain subsided after a couple of days but the pile is still there. same size and still purple but not painful.

I am now worried it could be something more sinister? Why is it not painful i thought they were meant to hurt?

Anyone else had pile that don't seem to go but are pretty painless? I could do with some advice right now!:(

20-05-15, 21:06
Hi Mike,

I think piles are generally hard to heal because every time you go to the washroom, it is irritated. I don't know if they all hurt, some itch I have heard. I have never had a pile to my knowledge but I did have a colon cancer scare a few months ago, I had blood in my stools - scary stuff.

I think you should trust your doc, if it was a pile your doctor knows. He also knows if it is cancer, because I am sure that colon cancer has a VERY specific look. We are humans we get weird bumps and stuff. One time I had a clogged por on my scalp, it stayed around for a whole month. I also thought it was a tumor- isn't health anxiety fun. But when the doctor said it was a clogged por- I believed him- please believe your doctor!



20-05-15, 21:08
Piles don't have to hurt. Otherwise by partner would be in agony and I would know it!

20-05-15, 22:18
I've had them since my early twenties and I'm 39 now.

They don't GP completely, the inflammation goes down hence why the pain reduces or goes completely. Straining will inflame them again, for some alcohol can also do it, so get plenty of fibre in your diet and try not too strain.

If you lift weights its very common due to straining in that area. This is how mine started.

20-05-15, 22:25
If your doctor says it is then really it is, they're not hard to diagnose especially external.

I recommend regular sitz baths, as Terry said increasing your fibre in take and water to try and make sure you're bowel movements are easy as to not aggravate the area.
Taking care when cleaning you could use wet wipes,

Be thankful the pain has subsided as hemorrhoids can be a real pain in the bottom :scared15:

20-05-15, 22:37
Good point, Sam, rough toilet paper or too much wiping can make them bleed a little.

The best medication I found was the foam. I disliked the suppositories as they make a right mess in your underwear and are hardly practical. To be frank, you can stick them up your ar5e! :D

The baths help. I used to use salt water given its healing properties.

20-05-15, 22:38
I can vouch for that.I recently had an operation to remove two.:ohmy::ohmy:

20-05-15, 22:49
Thanks for the reassurance guys! I guess when it was painful strangely i was less worried!

Will keep applying the cream and make sure they dont get bigger!