View Full Version : please help me!

26-01-07, 10:56
hi all its Aly again. Ive woke up this morning and im still itching! i cant bear it any more. This has gone on since saturday. Its strange because i itch all over my body all day yet when i eventually get to sleep it doesnt wake me up through the night. Ive read that persistant itching can be a sign of Hodgkins Lymphoma! Im petrified. Am i just reading too much into things?!


Aly xx

a brady

26-01-07, 11:02
HELLO sorry not sure on this one, and do,nt know you ,i would make an appointment with your g.p. now. At least it would put your mind at rest.

26-01-07, 11:03
Itchy feelings can also be a symptom of anxiety.

I know what a nightmare health anxiety can be and it's so hard not to focus on every little thing and think the worst.

Have you had a good checkover by a GP? Not that there is anything wrong but it is a good point to start as you can build up confidence based on results.


26-01-07, 11:07
been checked over by my GP he just throws me out of his room and makes out im going nuts! Sometimes I think i am. Im really fed up. Im only 22 and i just wanna be a normal carefree 22 year old like all my friends!

a brady

26-01-07, 11:21
Hi Aly

Try this link see if it helps hun

skin scratching
Cronic Scratching and fluvoxamine medication (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5613)



"If you have a worry turn it into a problem, you cant solve worrys but you can solve problems"

26-01-07, 12:08
GP's vary greatly in quality. You can change. A GP should not be making you think you are going crazy.

I don't think many genuinely understand health anxiety.

26-01-07, 13:08
I agree about gps. mine has been exceptionally patient, and has gone through my massive list of symptoms one by one. She has referred me to ENT and gastro specialists and generally been very very helpful. I sometimes get really itchy and it is a sort of prickly heat rash. I have found a cream from Boots really helpful, and I can't think what it's called now, but I'm sure if you went and asked, they might be able to recommend something. have you got a rash or anything? My doctor asked me if I shaved or had dry skin (yes on both counts), which can make you itchy. Are you moisturising regularly?! Have you changed washing powder etc? Although itchiness can be a dign of lymphoma, it is my understanding that the itching is extremely intense, with sufferers sometimes gouging into their own skin. It would also tend to be accompanied by other symptoms, such as an enlarged (huge) lymph gland, utterly drenching night sweats. Itching can be a sign of liver disease, but again, I think you would also be yellow! It might be something as simple as central heating or being too hot at night. Or showering in too hot water/bathing in too hot water.

Any of this sound helpful at all?!

26-01-07, 13:13
guys have you taken a look at my topic health anxiety suffers,

its comforting to see that your not alone

" for God did not give me a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, a spirit of love self discipline, sound mind and body, peace strength and good health"