View Full Version : Anxiety effects or something more serious?

20-05-15, 23:13
Hi guys!

About two months ago I developed major health anxiety. It began with me thinking i had a form of genealogical cancer, it was made worse when i started to develop burning pains in my right foot, which soon spread to both feet, shins, thighs, arms, hands and fingers.
After my fears of gyne cancers had been ruled out with a number of tests, I was told that the pains in my body were caused by anxiety.
I can't handle this result, as i feel like the pains came before the anxiety. I've had blood tests for lots of things that have all come up negative. I keep going to different doctors and they all say anxiety causes aches. IS this true?
They feel more burning and nervey than aches, they're not constant and only last about a minute, but happen every 5-10 minutes. My doctors have not even looked at my legs.

I'm trying to think to myself that it isn't a tumour pressing on a nerve, because A it would be constant and B it would be unlikely to affect all of my limbs?
I'm also trying to think to myself it's not a sarcoma of the bone or muscles, as this would not also be intermittent and probably be more localised? Would something show in a blood test?

I can't think of anything else apart from it. I'm supposed to be going on holiday and have packed all my holiday stuff into a cupboard because i 'know' i won't be going as I'll be receiving treatment. I'm 19 and in my second year at university and have missed two exams because I've been hysterical saying there's no point me taking them, as i won't be around to graduate.

Does anyone have any reassurance or similar experiences?
I've been taking 40mg of citalopram, diazepam and slow release daily propranolol for two weeks now.

21-05-15, 09:58
Hi Elee,
I also suffer with health anxiety...unlike you I had anxiety a long time before any real muscular pains and used to get stomach cramps and dizziness.

Recently I've had every pain imaginable and not coincidentally are worse on days when I have pressing appointments or doing new things.

Back pain, ankle pain, knee pain, neck, shoulder arm and chest pain combined.
Palpitations, dizziness, seeing spots that flash on and off throughout the day.

Try to keep a diary of what you have imminent in your life and whether the pain becomes worse or less.
You'll likely find that on easy days it will be less and running up to difficult ones it will increase.

AdditionallyI would say, certainly in my case, that stressful daysleave alot of adrenaline in my system and can keep me anxious for at least a day or two after...this in turn causes aches and keeps the cycle going.

Best wishes


ps...sadly you'll have to sit your exams cos I'm pretty sure you'll still be here ;)

16-06-15, 15:10
Hey :) I noticed you posted this like 3 months ago but found it while looking on the forum and thought I'd reply anyway because you sound a lot like me! I'm near enough the same age as you and all the thoughts you're describing, especially the 'what if the doctors are wrong' etc, and the 'I won't be going on holiday because I'll be having treatment'- like omg, I understand that feeling so much. And it's crap. :(
This is more of a 'hey, me too' type thing rather than advice because I am lost on the anxiety thing too, I don't know how to solve that. But from an outside person's opinion, I think you should take a breath and think, ok, multiple tests and doctors have said you're fine. They have to take you seriously regardless of your anxiety- they wouldn't just think 'she's definitely making these pains up so we won't bother checking'- they have checked you and not found a worry.
Sorry if this is all irrelevant to you now as it was a while ago, I hope your holiday was good and I hope you're doing okay!
Health anxiety is awful, but maybe the most helpful thing for you is to always tell yourself that doctors know best- you and I aren't medically trained but consider ourselves qualified enough to diagnose ourselves 24/7. However they have had years of medical training and really know what they're talking about.
I hope you're good and feeling better now :hugs: