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21-05-15, 10:34
Hi there, I've been on trazodone for almost 3 months now and want to come off it gradually. I reduced the amount from 50mg to around 43mg last week and having side effects already - fuzzy feeling, slightly anxious and a bit nauseous.
I just wondered how other people did it and if so how did you feel and how long did it take? Thanks :)

22-05-15, 17:47
Guess no one on here came off traz...?

31-05-15, 12:49
Crystle..i was once on 250 mg at night on trazadone for many months.my doctor told me to come down to 200mg ( which is what im on now ) he told me to drop from 250mg to 200mg ..so i stoped 50mg and i felt a little fuzzy slight raise in anxiety but nothing i couldnt handle..it only lasted for a few days and then i was fine.yours is a very small amount so you should be fine in a few days..remember we all react very different to coming off meds.some people can do it cold turkey and get no side effects,others can reduce by small amounts and get really bad side effects.

---------- Post added at 12:49 ---------- Previous post was at 12:46 ----------

If i was you i qould drop 10mg for one week.then drop 10mg second week..see how you feel and go from there..50 mg isnt a high dose,i droped 50mg in one go..if in doubt ask a pharmasist.they are excellent for advice

31-05-15, 13:55
Hi I'm going to see my gp tomorrow but I think she will tell me to do just that - drop 10mg per week. I just know its doing me more harm than good, might be back to square 1 with the insomnia but I really don't want to carry in with traz. Just have to hope my brain/body remembers how to sleep again!

31-05-15, 14:11
Well yes its hard coming down from any drug.sometimes its all in the mind and we are excpecting bad things to happen.going to your gp is a good thing for advice..im sure you will be ok..iv never felt any better on the trazadone,only helped with my sleep..its the olanzipine that realy helped tho..soon as i went on that,my sleeping was fantastic..9-10 hrs a night.

01-06-15, 12:18
Hi Greg, well I've been to the gp - saw someone different this time and she was a complete breath of fresh air! She advised me to drop to 40 for a week and then 35 etc so reducing by 5 per week so that the side effects aren't so bad.

Had hardly any sleep last night anyway so I think coming off it isn't going to make much difference sleep wise but will be free of the chemicals and am looking forward to that.

Will look on the other board to see how you got on last night!

01-06-15, 18:37
Oh thats good news.thats a nice small amount to drop it by..you shouldnt get any unwanted side efects doing it small amounts at a time..hopefuly you will get a bit more sleep tonight.at least you have met a good doctor..makes a big difference having the right suport.

02-06-15, 12:03
If anyone is reading this other than Greg, who already knows from another board, I reduced trazodone last night to 40mg and slept well. Feeling fine this morning other than a little sluggish (probably weather related!) so hopefully no side effects but we'll see as the week goes on. Feeling optimistic for now! :)

03-06-15, 10:18
Update if anyone is following this, couldn't sleep last night :( Prob dropped off around 5ish and woke around 7. Oh dear...

03-06-15, 21:19
Okay, just came across this older post. I was asking on another one why you need to come off the trazodone at all, and whether you can't just get to where you use it only for "bad nights". But I gather you want to be off all drugs, then? A wise choice if they're not needed! :D

Personally, I have had to settle with coming off just tranquilizers and stomach meds, watching my diet and sticking to Effexor (lowered in summer). I am glad to be off zopiclone (whose side effects include increased depression), and just taking trazodone for sleep. Some of us have physiological reasons for symptoms that can really only be resolved with meds, and I have accepted that I am one such person.

If you have determined that you aren't, then I applaud your determination to go it without drugs, and wish you the best! You too Greg.

04-06-15, 10:10
Thank you, yes I want to be off everything. I just can't stand what Trazodone has done to me and so I want to be free of it. I tell myself I'm not an insomniac because this only started out of the blue in February, never had it before and I want to know my body can restore its natural rhythms. I hope it can!!!

05-06-15, 09:22
Just an update, had a great sleep last night whohoo! So it seems a couple of bad nights are the norm when dropping, then your body caves in! So pleased and am more determined than ever to come off trazodone!

05-06-15, 11:09
Well done on the sleep..nothing nicer than a good night sleep..lets hope theres more good nights ahead for you crystal..fingers crossed for you.

05-06-15, 11:16
Thanks Greg! :)

06-06-15, 07:50
Another great sleep but woke feeling anxious, presumably the side effects of coming down...

Busy weekend ahead so hopefully that will take my mind off it!

08-06-15, 09:56
Well 4 great nights. Tonight I'm lowering to 35. Seems a very slow process but sure its the best way to do it. Had a great weekend - keeping busy is clearly the key!!!

08-06-15, 19:45
Thats excellent news.im so glad you are getting good sleep.the raise in anxiety could well be the withdraw from the traz or because your checking yourself out in the morning and expecting for something to feel wrong.but the main point is your sleeping and will only get better..well done.you must feel good inside

08-06-15, 20:07
Hi greg yes I'm really pleased that I'm sleeping well again, had that rotten night last week and dont want that anymore but I obv never know when its going to happen. I'm glad I'm reducing, it feels like the right thing to do. Occasionally I feel anxious, but I'm trying to relax about it. Tomorrow I start CBT so hopefully that will help too.

Hope you feel better soon. :)

09-06-15, 14:40
Ugh had such a bad night last night! Was very anxious as my car was in the garage and something big wrong with it so won't get it back for a few days. I then worried about not sleeping and being too tired to walk to school (we normally drive) and the supermarket and to my CBT session today. So all that worrying about not sleeping meant just that - no sleep! Finally dropped off around 5.30am and was up at 6.30... It's mad though because I was still able to get to all these places on foot today and will hopefully sleep better tonight from all the exercise! Madness!

11-06-15, 11:56
A good night 2 nights ago and another bad one last night. Just have to go through it I guess....!

14-06-15, 12:15
Had a week of one good night one bad night.... Suffering headaches and anxiety... Not an easy journey this!!!

16-06-15, 09:47
Having a hellish time if anyone is reading... Severe insomnia, anxiety, shakiness and nausea... Yuk! Down to 30mg...

16-06-15, 13:31
Oh love - I am just about to start this tonight for my anxiety .. So sorry you're having a rough time. I'm not doing too brilliantly myself either, hence my Dr wanting to try this.

How long have you been on it? .. Just going to read your thread xx

16-06-15, 13:46
Hi Giraffe :)

Ive been on trazodone about 3 & a half months. It doesn't seem to have agreed with me too well hence I'm weaning off it.

Some people have no trouble at all with it though so I hope it works for you.

I think I'm probably tapering too quickly, the doctor said drop by 5mg a week but I really notice it each time I drop so actually might go back to 35 for another week. (Just dropped to 30 last night).

Let us know how you get on x

16-06-15, 14:17
Slowly slowly if you feel that's the best way ..

Thank you I hope they help. It's morning anxiety that's my problem, my Dr says she's had patient's have success with it so we shall see xx

22-06-15, 13:45
If anyone is following this thread (!) im now down to 30mgs the last 3 nights. My sleep was great last week had 5 good nights in a row - sadly last night was very hit and miss, no idea how much I got but it wasn't a lot!

Side effects still there (spaced out, dizziness, anxiety) but not as pronounced for now, trying to focus on the positive! Just had a chat with the pharmacist and she said dropping 5 a week sounds sensible and my body should just adapt to it. So will continue with the plan and see how it goes!

Hopefully the side effects will be less the lower I go...!

23-06-15, 09:01
Awful night last night, prob got an hours sleep...

Felt quite anxious which is probably the main reason.

Hard to function after 2 dreadful nights...!

23-06-15, 13:20
Sorry to hear you are still not sleeping crystal.nothing worse than not sleeping,esp only getting a couple of hrs,no wonder you feel so low.hopfully when you are off these dredded traz you will start to feel better.fingers crossed for you

23-06-15, 15:42
Thanks greg :)

23-06-15, 21:38
Sending lots of calming hugs & sleeping vibes your way crystal :hugs:

24-06-15, 08:59
Thank you xx

28-06-15, 16:59
Noticed this thread and will give you my experience of coming off Trazadone. I increased to 200 briefly after being on 50 for 6 weeks then 100 for 4 weeks. Made me feel anxious and nauseous as I increased dose so decided not for me. I was given bad advice from my useless GP who advised to drop 50mg every 3-4 days. I was a complete wreck with really bad nausea and headaches. I came off Trazadone within 2 weeks which was way too fast. I think I had withdrawal symptoms for 4-6 weeks after stopping including depression. Hope that you improve soon. I think coming off an AD medication quickly can sometimes get it over with but for some folk this results in several weeks / months of lingering withdrawal. Having said that You are taking a very low dose. Have you tried to stop taking it?

28-06-15, 18:27
Hi hipha, wow that does sound quick, mine is a very slow withdrawal in comparison! I'm now down to 25mg from 50, dropping 5 per week.

I haven't tried to just stop taking it as I was warned not to and I'm a bit of a wuss really so would like minimal side effects!!!

I've been ok the last few days although my sleep is still very hit and miss but it was at 50 so not much change there!!!

Thank you for sharing your experience with me, bet you're glad to be off it! Did you notice your sleep go haywire when you came off it?

28-06-15, 21:57
Hello Crystalhiggs. I moved from Trazadone to Mirtazapine with only 3 days gap in between so I did not notice any difference. Trazadone was certainly good for sleep but Mirtazapine is equally good for sleep but has not helped with my other symptoms. The way I see it tapering off an unwanted drug slowly means you are taking the drug for much longer than you would want to. You know your body and it seems we are both examples of the extreme approaches and experiences of withdrawing. Hopefully your slow taper will reap its reward with little or no lingering withdrawal after stopping for good. All the best to you.

30-06-15, 12:16
Just an update, I'm down to 25 now. I'm sleeping really well and my anxiety is not prominent at all at the moment. I occasionally feel a bit nauseous but that's it. Hopefully I'm coming through the other side! :)

Ps CBT is helping as is lots of cycling - fresh air and exercise = eating and sleeping better!

01-07-15, 14:34
:) well done crystal..

02-07-15, 09:48
I'm really pleased things are working out for you, Crystal. It must be a huge relief!

I wouldn't mind getting back into cycling myself.

02-07-15, 09:56
Thank you!

Well something is working! Barely thinking about sleep now! Eating well, feeling happy, enjoying life again!!!

Terry cycling has completely transformed things for me. I cycle miles now each day through country lanes, woodland, little villages - I've discovered so many new places! I love it! I sometimes go with a friend, sometimes on my own. I feel healthy, love all the fresh air I'm getting - even love wearing different clothes that make me feel 'sporty'!

Also cbt has helped, I've only had 3 sessions but it is totally working for me.

Will be glad to come off the Traz completely but right now I'm taking one day at a time and making the most of each day. :)

02-07-15, 11:42
If you are barely thinking about it then it sounds like you have exited the cycle. Blips may come but now you will handle them much easier and they may just be the odd night. Thats what I found anyway when my insomnia period ended.

That sounds really nice. I'm not far from the countryside myself and I used to cycle the lanes between villages with my mates when I was younger. Good times!

I used to walk the ones closer to home and it was nice to get away from everything.

If you feel CBT is working for you at such an early stage then that is a great indicator for success.

02-07-15, 12:23
:) onwards and upwards!!!

05-07-15, 14:48
Down to 20 :)

06-07-15, 19:27
Well I'm doing ok! Went down to 20 on Saturday. No bad side effects so far touch wood!

I'm sleeping really well, eating well, still cycling miles each day, and generally feeling good other than the odd wave of nausea in the evenings.

Hoping it will be an easy ride from now on...three and a bit more weeks!

07-07-15, 06:57
Sounds good, Crystal. Maybe its going to hit you more coming down from the higher doses and then its very mild from there?

Are you sleeping ok or even better for this?

I wonder if the exercise is what you needed more than anything? It is known to regulate hormones and increase periods of deeper sleep.

07-07-15, 07:43
Terry I'm sleeping better than I have in months. And it has coincided with the cycling so I'm sure this is the main reason. All that fresh air and sunshine, getting the old endorphins going, it can only do good eh?

I hope it will be just easy from now on and I'll be off Traz ASAP!

07-07-15, 07:47

Thats a massive massive relief for you then! Yes, it does sound like it was exactly what you need. They say exercise can be as effective as antidepressants and in countries with less healthcare e.g. Russia, they prescribe exercise before meds! We've got it ass backwards over here, I think :doh:

Well, its certainly a good sign if you are able to keep coming down with impact.

07-07-15, 07:55
I know, I want to shout it from the rooftops! But I'll wait a few more weeks before I post a success story, taking one day at a time and practising CBT techniques too.

I have the dentist this afternoon which I am quite nervous about as I think he needs to do a root canal or extraction, but talking to myself rationally and changing the negative thoughts is helping. I mean no one likes the dentist do they??

And I will be free of toothache afterwards. So the end justifies the means. Onwards and upwards.. :)

07-07-15, 08:15
Exactly, not many people find they can go to the dentist without some nervousness. What I have found though is that dentists seem more understanding of anxiety than GP's do. I guess its because it is so prevalent in their work. So, I've found they are very accomodating.

Definately. I broke one of my wisdom teeth shortly after I relapsed and suffered going on the meds. I put up with it for a while and even cancelled one appointment for extraction but on the second I managed to go for it. I can remember staring intently at the ceiling light whilst he removed it and it did help. I know that a distraction technique so I just gave it a go and I'm glad I did but I was a bit all over the place afterwards for a few hours.

Good luck with it, I'm sure you will be fine.

07-07-15, 09:29
Thank you Terry, I have CBT this morning so hopefully that will help too.

I know it isn't going to be pleasant at the dentist but will really try to focus on something else and not get too worried about it.

I went to a different dentist on Friday and didn't like Her at all, she was rude and uncaring so I ended up leaving without booking an appointment for treatment. I went straight over to my son's dentist who is private and very expensive but decided I'm worth it (my husband and son both go private so why shouldn't I?'!) and explained my situation to them and they couldn't have been lovelier.

I'm taking care of myself now, no more settling for second rate treatment I've been through enough!!!

07-07-15, 09:39
I lost my dentist when I was younger (probably under the settee where everything else goes :D) as he decided to leave and his partner didn't want any more clients. I never bother looking for another one back then. So, when this happened I called the local NHS line which tells you which ones in your area can be used.

I travel further for them but they are really nice and I'm happy with their service. They are really cheap too!Unless you go beyond 3 appointments for a treatment, its only about £37.50 and the 2nd one is free! By the 4th you get stung but thats more the root canal type stuff I guess.

Yeah, why can't you use them if they do?!

07-07-15, 10:01
Yes I think it very much depends on the dentist as opposed to NHS or private but I just suddenly thought why shouldnt I go privately too?! Plus the few NHS dentists there are around here don't have a great reputation so I'll see how this one is today. Just want to feel looked after as opposed to being just another patient! :)

07-07-15, 11:08
Its important to find one you are comfortable with. My previous one was a bit off with me as a child...until I grew into a 6ft youth and his attitude seemed to change :whistles:

I would say yes, treat yourself...but its really doesn't sound right! :doh:

Also, why not change those thoughts to concentrate on how you will feel much better in a day or two with no toothache. Its like going on meds, sit still and suffer with no change or take a risk.

07-07-15, 15:38
Ah well dentist didn't go quite as planned... He wanted to do a root canal treatment but couldn't numb me up enough... I can't take adrenaline... So now on anti inflammatorys for a few days to take the worst of the pain away and back on Saturday! Why is nothing straight forward...?!!!

09-07-15, 08:23
He would have had no problem with the numbing a month ago, Crystal, you would have probably fallen asleep in the chair before he turned around! :D

Do they give you adrenaline?

Oh well, its not long to wait and then its over & done with. At least dentists are quick and you aren't waiting weeks at a time like with GP's. If you have pain and need an emergency treatment, your dentist will fit you in somehow...not the same with a GP though. :winks:

09-07-15, 11:01
Hi Terry, they didn't give me adrenaline as I had a bad reaction to it once before, that's what they usually give though. Yes I hope Saturday will be better...!

Getting my head around it a bit now, it's just the dentist, it's just a tooth, I'm not ill, everyone goes to the dentist and lots of people are nervous... There's nothing wrong with me. This is the cbt kicking in..! :)

They rang yesterday to make sure I was ok, very nice people!

11-07-15, 18:57
Was back at the dentist today and he managed to do the root canal. It wasn't pleasant and I was massively anxious this morning but I got through it (1.5 hours!) I'm a bit sore now and have to go back next week to have a second round of it but it's finished for now and the worst is over!

Phew, didn't sleep last night so really looking forward to going to bed tonight!!! (And reducing traz to 15 tonight!)

13-07-15, 10:21
So... After my dentist trauma, my anxiety completely went away. Saturday night I slept like a log - maybe 10/11 hours!

I went down to 15mg Trazodone on Saturday night too, although I was pretty exhausted!

Yesterday was great, anxiety free, was busy, cycled, played tennis, did shopping, perfectly normal and active day. Well last night I couldn't sleep! I have no idea why! I had 2 weeks of fab sleeps and thought I was over it, decided that the night before the dentist was just a blip and I was on my way out from this nightmare of the last few months.

Hmm, feeling that awful spaced out feeling today that I'd hoped was behind me.

Ok will think positively, just another blip. Tonight will be wonderful!

13-07-15, 11:07
Don't worry about it, Crystal. You had quite a big sleep after the dentist so perhaps that and the reduction combined and you didn't really need much anyway.

I always say to ignore anything short and look for patterns as we go through so many one day events with these disorders.

I've had too massive sleeps to catch up the last 2 nights so I don't need as much and you can have a few of my hours tonight! :D

13-07-15, 11:41
Haha thanks Terry I'm hoping I won't need to borrow anyone's hours tonight as I'll have enough of my own :)

I think I've got used to sleeping normally again as this feels like a real shock to the system today!

Have a decorator here this morning so maybe that was on my mind, also my lovely rabbits started fighting yesterday so had to separate them, need to take them to the vets tomorrow to be snipped, that was prob also floating around subconsciously! Plus my son has developed a really bad tic lately in his neck and I'm afraid of someone teasing him for it. So there are a few things I can prob pin it down to even though consciously I felt fine!

Might try and get out on my bike now the rain has stopped...

13-07-15, 11:49
Well you did have all that sleeping trouble when you had decorators before and you know that the subconscious makes scenarios in memory that it can compare to. So, it could be something like that but I reckon you are quite a way over that now and a combination of worries is certainly more likely.

See how you go and enjoy your bike ride.

13-07-15, 12:44
Wow you've got a good memory!!! Yes I did wonder about the memory connection as its the same guy and I was really bad last time he was here!

Well hopefully it was another blip and it won't happen very often!!!

14-07-15, 17:07
Hmm well slept better last night, not perfect, took me a while to drift off and woke a few times. Had an awful nightmare, which I have read can be a side effect of withdrawing from traz!
Felt anxious again this morning but it wore off as the day went on.
Had my usual bike ride this afternoon after CBT. My therapist is fab btw!
Have a few big things in the next week or so so now realise what's going on...
Just need to get on top of this sleep again... :)

15-07-15, 12:20
Slept amazingly last night! Feeling good today.
3 more weeks...

19-07-15, 15:45
Quick update... Feeling great, down to 10mg :) will be off this cr*p in 2 weeks whohoo!

Sleeping well with the odd blip, which could happen to anyone as I keep being reminded. :)

24-07-15, 09:49
Don't know if anyone is reading these updates but might help someone in the future coming off traz and it's good for me to keep a log!

Well I've been at 10mg for almost a week and it's been quite a tough one. My sleep the last few days has been on and off and my anxiety has been quite high. It could be to do with things I have going on at home (builders here again, change in routine, my son has gone abroad with his dad for a boys holiday etc).

Anyway in just over a week I'll be off it completely. Then I suppose it will take a couple of weeks to completely readjust but so looking forward to knowing what is really me again and what was the traz! I'm quite sure I never had such anxiety before taking it!

So...down to 5 tomorrow whohoo!

24-07-15, 10:03
Hi Crystal,

Those builders do seem to have an impact on your sleep. It's something worth exploring in your CBT because you obviously have some bad memories in there and they get triggered again by these guys. So, if you can retrain yourself somehow to accept it, rationalise it as just a meaningless everyday event, etc then in time it will change itself to no longer fire that trigger at you.

Try to relax, do some cycling in the nice weather, pamper yourself a bit and have a nice winddown then perhaps you can reduce it's impact on you.

If you had a clear period to judge the Traz on you could say it was because coming off a low dose is a bit harder but with you mentioning builders, which was the one that was bothering you a lot when you were really struggling, its plausible its more likely that.

24-07-15, 10:28
Hi Terry yes it's possible, today is their last day (phew!) so will be nice to have my house back again. Also was back at the dentist yesterday for part 2 of root canal treatment which wasn't nice but I wasn't quite as anxious about that as before, and it's finished now! ��

(Slept amazingly last night!)

Yes it will be worth exploring it in CBT, it seems that any change to my routine makes me anxious at the moment!

Just very keen to see if there is much difference once I'm off the meds!! (Hopefully for the better!)

24-07-15, 10:55
Change & uncertainty are certainly biggies with anxiety disorders. Some people seem ok with it but have their battles with other problems. I have found change in routine very hard but I'm a lot better with it now.

At first its a tough one but I think you have to keep shaking things up so that you are more open to things not being a routine all the time. Its not easy but in the long run it pays off. Beware the ruts.

Sometimes things that have bothered us a lot can bubble away more subtly so it could just be combination of the dentist and the more real problem of the builders.

When you have had such an intense focus on sleep issues too, change to sleep routines can feel like a big risk.

Can you see how far you have come though?

24-07-15, 11:18
Yes I'm battling through I don't want to get stuck in a rut and I know it's not good to have the same routine all the time. So even though I know things will cause anxiety I'm still doing them because I just have to push through it, as long as not massively uncomfortable!

I know I've come a long way since February, and I have been through quite a journey!

Will be interesting to see what happens next... :)

27-07-15, 12:48
5 more days left on traz. Anxiety very high. Interestingly have been sleeping very well. Keep on finding myself very tense with no real reason for it (no builders here!) - have been for a bike ride this morning which for once hasn't helped! Oh dear I just want to be off Traz and it out of my system!!!

27-07-15, 14:35
So sorry you're having a rough time coming off of this hun .. Have you tried fish oil supplements? Xx

27-07-15, 15:36
Thank you, no I haven't tried fish oils, are they good for anxiety?

Having a tough day today! Feel shaky and legs are like jelly. Really struggling. Felt as though I was going to faint earlier. :(

How are you getting on now? X

29-07-15, 10:19
Yes I've heard they are.. And although I'm a strict vegetarian I am tempted by them.

I've had a little blip actually, so my GP wanted me to up my dose to 100mg from 50mg... I e read a lot about it though and am scared stiff of coming off of this drug. All I have read are stories typical to yours with people suffering terribly.

My GP said when I'm ready to come off, just stop! There's no way I'm doing that!

I've increased my Fluoxetine from 20mg to 30mg instead and am considering tapering the Traz in a few weeks ... I just don't know how to as I'm prescribed 50mg capsules?!

How are you doing now? Xx

29-07-15, 10:37
Hi hun oh I'm sorry you're having a blip :( What are you experiencing?

I hate trazodone it has completely messed me up. I only took it to help me sleep and had no idea I would suffer like this.

I'm a bit better now, Monday was awful. I still feel quite anxious but not as extreme.

How long have you been on traz now?

I take the liquid form so it's easier to taper but perhaps you can cut down to 25 then 12.5 then stop? It hasn't been too long so hopefully you'll be ok.

My advice based on my experience would be to cut down now. I certainly wouldnt go on a higher dose but as I said I'm only going on my experience. It's a horrible drug and the longer you're on it the harder it will be to come off.

Sorry if that doesn't sound positive but in the five months I've been on it I've only had about 2 good weeks!

3 more days and I'm off it. I suspect there will be a couple of tricky weeks but hopefully then back to normal.

We are all different though and you might well be ok!!! Keep me posted! Xx

30-07-15, 04:50
Indeed I can attest we are all different. I found it the absolute ticket to get off of zoplicone (which is addictive). Maybe because I was coming off a strong sleep med, I found it quite mild, and as it is short-acting, had next to no residual effect on rising. Stopped it on my own after a few weeks. No problems whatsoever. I took it again after a few months, when I went through a distressing week and had a tough time getting to sleep, it helped, and once again I stopped taking it with no trouble.

In fact, 50 mg is so mild, it doesn't always work, if I'm too keyed up. Not saying your experience isn't real for you. Just saying, it's not a horrible drug. We are all different, that's all. (To be honest, I think you have just been unlucky with it. I haven't run across anyone else who has struggled coming off of trazodone by itself.)
Good luck :flowers:

30-07-15, 09:02
I think any drug that can do to a person what trazodone has done to me can be classed as a horrible drug. I'm glad for you that you didn't suffer, but I have and am big time. The Internet is full of withdrawal horror stories, and I am indeed unfortunate to be one of them.

I do wonder if the liquid form is more potent than the pills. Also I am very tiny in height and weight so perhaps that has contributed. Whatever the reasons I need to be off this ASAP. Woke up shaky this morning after only around 3 hours sleep.

Anyway 2 more days at 5mg and then off it. Hope these side effects will wear off quickly!

30-07-15, 16:51
Feeling rough today. Extremely tired and a bit down, this morning I was very anxious and on edge, now I just feel quite low :( obviously not sleeping doesn't help but I can normally get through the day better than this...

Wish I could fast forward a couple of weeks and (hopefully!) have this out of my system physically and mentally!

30-07-15, 22:37
Crystal, weight does play a part in drug elimination as does speed of metabolism. So, it might make your taper need to be a bit slower but unless you have real metabolic issues it probably won't be by much.

It sounds like coming of the lower dose is the harder part so see it as side effects and keep going. I found coming off the lowest dose of Citalopram was worse in terms of side effects but quite manageable when at a good stage in recovery so keep going.

31-07-15, 06:36
There is also always the option of cross-tapering or switching to something else with a longer shelf-life. It would then make the slow taper from that longer-acting drug soooo much easier to take.

31-07-15, 08:42
Oh well I had another really bad night :( feel quite shaky again this morning. But determined that tonight is my last night on traz and will have to see how it goes.

I really don't want to take any more medication.

It's so hard to think clearly after 2 nights of such little sleep, but Trazodone has just made me feel awful most of the time and I need to be free of it.

I know the side effects will pass, as hard as they are. I just need to be able to sleep naturally again.

Thanks for your replies. X

01-08-15, 09:39
Took my last 5mg dose last night!

Had a good sleep, still feel a bit wobbly this morning.

I hope and pray that there won't be any bad side effects from stopping completely!

02-08-15, 08:14
First night off traz. Haven't slept a wink!

Going on holiday tomorrow so I hope and pray tonight will be better!

02-08-15, 08:26
Hi Crystal,

You had a decent nights sleep before though even when you had gone down to just 5mg so see this as a temporary thing. The funny thing is, if you look at the elimination %'s that are a guide (since its an individual thing) the first half life sees a 50% drop. Trazodone is 10-12 hours so unless you take it close to bedtime, it's going to cause any side effects quite quickly. But if you take it at bedtime, the drop from 5-0mg & 100-50% won't happen until after you have probably slept but because you know you are doing it, you can end up not sleeping of your own making.

I reckon you need to take it as it comes. Try to busy yourself with other things. Don't try and push it out of your mind because thats just "thinking about not thinking about it" so its counterproductive. If you can keep yourself distracted from that, you may sleep. Even if you don't, your body will tire and you will catch up.

I remember coming off Zopiclone and it was unsettled for a while but it was something I could cope with as it was around 6 hours. You may adjust quickly or you may take longer but I doubt it will be completely sleepless nights for long, more that sleep may not be as deep or not as long as you want but it will still be something you can get by easier on.

02-08-15, 08:42
Thank you Terry, so physically the trazodone should be out of my system in a day? Is that right? I know psychologically it will take longer.
I will try to keep busy today as tired as I am. And hopefully on holiday I will be distracted a lot so that might help me too.
Trying to focus on all the positives that will come from me being off Traz, like putting weight on, weeing properly, feeling less foggy and spaced out. It may take a little time but I have to remember why I needed to come off it and hopefully that should spur me on!

02-08-15, 08:44
Adding you this, Crystal.

Clear elimination looks like this per half life:

0 100%
1 50%
2 25%
3 12.50%
4 6.25%
5 3.13%

I have got it to 7 days somewhere but I can't find the right thread at the moment.

But if you consider that with your half life of 10-12 hours, you are going to be completely free of Traz very quickly. As Marie mentioned, this is a double edged sword really as the shorter the half life, the harder the side effects can be. So, people coming off short half life meds like Venlafaxine often get switched on things like Prozac which have a veyr long half life so the side effects don't hit you as hard.

So, maybe that is something to consider in that you are having more of it right now but the good news is, it will be out of your system very quickly and the side effects will be gone.

I remember when I came off Citalopram, I did feel the dide effects a bit longer than this elimination half life business but they reduced a lot too over the couple of weeks I had them so they weren't very noticeable in the second week and your med is a much shorter half life than that.

02-08-15, 08:52
Thank you Terry that's really helpful. I'm just going to have to go through it. I don't want to be on anything else. So hopefully in a week or two I'll feel a bit more back to my old self, albeit possibly still sleep deprived!

Will turn back to those natural remedies and try to find something that works!

02-08-15, 09:03
Well, based on calculation alone you will be looking at 50-60 hours before it reaches what they class as clinically insignificant (under 5%). Its not long really when you think about it and you've already had some hours from last night out of it so its creeping closer.

I seem to recall you going to the theatre not long ago and how you managed to get through that and enjoy it. So, perhaps the holiday will be the same? Healthy distractions and genuine fun & positive thoughts fighting it off?

I know what you mean about sleep, it's so tricky. I'm having another good go at my sleep pattern at the moment and I'm going bed earlier but then sleeping even longer and finding that the last half of the time (my normal hours) I sleep much deeper. I'm giving it a few more tries and then its going to half to be alarm clock & boot up backside time to try and force it forward.

I was reading about the circadian rhythm and diurnal rhythms not long ago and I seem to recall it saying they reset themselves every day so changing them can be a matter of a fast shift to the new pattern. I know GP's advise this sometimes as well as moving in blocks.

02-08-15, 09:33
Oh good well that's not too long then, is that the length of time since the last dose I took or the dose I would've taken?

Yes I've been to the theatre a couple of times recently and a concert in Hyde park feeling very sleep deprived! So distraction definitely key and obv the more I do the better I sleep. Saying that I cycled 18km yesterday...

Great that you're sleeping longer and deeper, yes if you can work it towards a later time in the day you will feel better for sure!

02-08-15, 10:02
Yeah, its just with me I need to pull it forward to make it later, if that makes sense? I sleep in the afternoons so need to pull it back inline with being at night and I don;t want to try just staying up longer because I know that doesn;t work for me because sleep isn't the real issue, it's my OCD and it will make me stay up 24 hours & beyond. A bit like mania, but still knackered most of that time :doh:. In fact, I wake up the closer towards bedtime like I've gone through the fatigue pain barrier so then I start wanting to do a lot more and I'm trying to curb this at the moment (having a night off tonight though to catch up on some stuff).

Yes, the 50-60 hours to complete elimination (well, under 5% but its only 2 more half lives from there for the rest) from the time you last took it. The half life of the last dose you took is the point at which it will all start to eliminate unless you keep taking more doses so if you took your last dose at say 10pm last night, you would start the above 50-60 hours from then. Does that make sense?

Geeting moving helps with tiredness, it will wake your body up and as long as you are eating what it needs it will keep you going. Missing one night is fine, its more when it adds up that you start to lose the ability to keep yourself going or waking your body up.

I bet your muscles will need to do some repairing from that cycling so just don;'t overdo it as sleep in integral to muscle repair. I bet you have plenty to get ready anyway.

02-08-15, 10:14
Yes I totally understand! Hopefully in time you'll be able to creep forward bit by bit until you reach some kind of 'normal' rhythm! How many hours do you sleep in the day?

So I last took traz around 9pm on Friday - which means I'm already half way there with the elimination. Phew! I don't just expect the side effects to go though as ftom reading other people's experiences it can take a couple of weeks to adjust to life without it. But knowing its out of my system will definitely help psychologically.

Supposed to be going to a watford FC open day later (we're big fans and season ticket holders) if I can face it... Or yes I could just stay here and pack! Will play it by ear and decide at the last minute, feeling pretty ropey for now!

02-08-15, 10:31
Usually about 5-6 but I've been trying to get it more to 7-8 max. Its a big pain because the timings mean I'm awake all night and it prohibits so many things. If I did more in the morning, I would be waking up more and be tempted to stay awake even longer so I try not to risk another potential bad behaviour there.

Yeah, see how it goes. You might feel like it. Being out might help you anyway, its a big distraction and you seem to be able to find a way to enjoy things despite the fatigue which is a big bonus as many people would just be negative & dragging themselves through it (been there!)

I think anything that plays around with your sleep is going to need some adjusting. I found that with Zopiclone but that doesn't mean it will be bad, it just might mean some interuption or lighter sleeping so stay positive about it all and see what happens.

02-08-15, 11:28
I'll try Terry. Still undecided about today.. Mainly because tomorrow is a biggie for me and I want to be able to cope ok then, so I don't know whether pushing myself today is a bit too much or if it will be better for me to be out and distracted and hopefully sleep better tonight!

Well at least you are getting a good amount of hours sleep albeit at odd hours! :) I have a friend with restless leg syndrome and she can't sleep at night but has no problem during the day! She says she's just learnt to embrace her quirkiness! :)

02-08-15, 11:34
Yeah, I guess you get used to it. Its just a bugger not being able to get places or socialise so it holds me back a bit but we all have our challenges with these disorders.

Do what you think is best. Maybe you could go for a while and not stay as long as normal or judge it when you are there. Don't stretch yourself though, you don't want to be rushing around all night packing, you want to wind down for your sleep.

Have a great holiday. Where are you going, somewhere nice & warm? (are you subjecting your family to a cycling holiday? :D)

02-08-15, 12:01
True. Yes I'm going to go, we won't stay too long as we have to come back and pack.

We're going to the New Forest so not abroad, much to my husband's disappointment, although he's just had a week abroad with my son.

I didn't feel up to it this year so staying in the UK. It's only a couple of hours drive away for us and looks stunning, never been before. And we will indeed be doing lots of cycling!!! (Sleep permitting!!)

10-08-15, 14:32
How are you doing hun? Xx

12-08-15, 10:02
Hi there!

Thanks for asking - I'm doing really well!!! So glad to be off Trazodone! I feel completely back to my old self! Really, really happy and relieved. And the best bit - back to sleeping 8 hours a night naturally!!!

How are you? Are you going to come off Traz? Hope all well xx

27-08-15, 18:17
Just an update from me almost 4 weeks on. Well apart from a blip last week (bad anxiety) and difficulty sleeping last night I'm doing great!
Feel as though the Trazodone is completely out of my system now and back to a more familiar state of affairs! Even when I feel anxious now it's like the old anxiety not that crazy tensed up, frozen on the spot type I was getting with Traz.
So even if I have a blip now and again I feel more able to deal with it as it is the natural me having the blip and not a chemically induced state of mind!
I won't keep posting but think it's good to have this record of how Trazodone made me feel and hopefully might just help someone who is thinking of starting, or stopping in the future. :)

28-11-17, 01:40
Hey Crystal!

Thanks for this inspiring post!

I am down to 12.5 mg from 50 mg and your post has helped me greatly!

I'm debating on dropping that down to 6.25 or trying to quit from 12.5 mg.

My question is... being so low how was it when you went 100% with out it. Was it the same withdrawl symptoms as dropping 5 mg or was it worse?

Thanks so much!