View Full Version : the crying has stopped!

26-01-07, 11:08
Hello everyone,
Well after my depsondent post earlier on, the crying has indeed stopped. not sure whether it is due to prozac, no work, rest or probably a combination, but anyway, I am starting to feel human again. Amactually looking forward to things now and any day now will actually get off my bum and do some of them, too! There is hope everybody!

26-01-07, 11:28
Hi Seeker,

Glad your feeling better. xxx

"When There Was Only One It Was Then That I Carried You."

Granny Primark
26-01-07, 11:52
Hi seeker,

Its good to know your feeling better.
Im sure will get off yer bum and do things. Never give up hope. The support and encouragement you get from this site im sure will help you loads,

Take care

26-01-07, 12:22
hi seeker
glad that you are feeling better!
take care
rach x

26-01-07, 12:40
Good to hear :)

Sarah x

26-01-07, 12:52
Hi Seeker glad you are feeling better.

I myself can just sit there most of the tome and just burst out crying my wife who i love to bits just looks at me and say's nothing cus she know's what i am feeling inside.


26-01-07, 12:59
Oh dear Gareth - have you got any help about it? It was only after I cried every day for about two months that I realised 'hmmm, maybe this isn't going to go away on its own!'. My fiancee has been lovely, but was finding it difficult to comprehend what was going on! He ahs been very supportive and caring though.

26-01-07, 13:10
No i try to deal with it myself if i can i am 36 and they say that men don't cry thats cxxp. I have had anxiety for 2 years thats all but its horrible. How long have you had it for?


26-01-07, 14:28
I have had it for about 12 years now! It comes and goes in severity though, and I can control panic attacks well now. The depression I have suffered lately has thrown me, but it is getting better as I have said. I would get thee to a docs and try beta blockers for general anxiety - they have a miraculous effect.

26-01-07, 15:00
Try and be happy i know its easy said than done stay calm and and get plenty of hugs off your partner.

Gareth xxx

26-01-07, 16:51
"try beta blockers for general anxiety - they have a miraculous effect."

These drugs aren't the miracle drug some think they are. They do, like all medication have side effects. No criticism intended, I just want to give the other side of things. I was on them, and my Dad, and we were so lethargic we were tired all day every day. Also they can increase your blood pressure.

Blue -
"Your truth is better for you than someone else's. Just get to know what it is, so you can finally own it, and speak it."

27-01-07, 00:32
Absolutely - I agree I wouldn't just pop pills will nilly, but I think if i had taken a short course of beta blaockers way back when I started suffering panic attacks, I may never have gotten as bad as I have. of course, i'll never know. I spoke too soon, as well - had a massive cry tonight, following silly argument and frustration with myself. not an argument with myself - i'm not that mad!! sigh. Ah well. At least the gap between cries is becoming greater! thanks for all the cheering messages. i'm not getting much help with my twitchy muscles thread in symptoms!