View Full Version : still scared about ovarian cancer please help

21-05-15, 10:37
I'm sorry for all these posts but for two months i've had this problem dr is not concerned and doesn't want to send me for another ultrasound, i have very bad lower back pain could hardly walk i keep having to pee and i have a gassy type of pain pressure in pelvic area and i just finished my perios i'm a wreck and i don't know what to do. Last week i had really bad bloating and the pressure was worse does that mean if it gets better it's not ovarian cancer?

21-05-15, 10:59
Have you had any tests?
Blood tests for kidney function and reactive protein to negate inflamation?

21-05-15, 11:04
No last april i had pelvic abdominal ultrasound for a similiar problem, dr only wants me to have a blood test

21-05-15, 12:25
Could easily be IBS and the blood test is pretty reliable I believe, having had this panic myself on many occasions. Good luck.

21-05-15, 21:01
Tnank you