View Full Version : tight head and feeling tired and very unsociable

21-05-15, 12:20
Last few days now im feeling pritty shit.this kind of tight head,compressed feeling.and tiredness even though im getting 9-10 hrs sleep each night..im going to my homeless shelter just to be around people and have some food.but i hate it.i just sit hear on my own playing on my phone.i dont have the confidance to talk to anyone hear,even though i know people down hear.i stay hear for 2 hrs then walk 2miles back home for 2pm.just sit in my flat wishing my life away.im still looking for work and waiting for my appt with the phycolagist.there going to give me CBT and counciling sessions but there is a waiting list so will take time...just cant see the light at the end of the tunnel.i feel depressed and anxiety is high with DP AND DR..which is the hardest to deal with..fedup..

21-05-15, 21:11
HI there , it is obvious this is anxiety related i get it from time to time, i made a thread about it , i don't feel so bad right but i do understand how it feels the tight head feeling .

I hope your okay big hugs to you xx

---------- Post added at 21:11 ---------- Previous post was at 21:08 ----------

Just thought instead of just sitting in your flat how about having a spring clean to pass the time, there is nothing more satisfying that decluttering and seeing it all refreshed , i know its difficult to do getting motivated but once you do it really lifts you're spirit , and also put some music and sing to it as singing is good for the soul .

21-05-15, 23:26
That sounds rough Greg. You are doing the right thing getting out around other people. You have nothing to do there though. It's easier if you have something to all focus on together. Can you not get funding for a night school course or something. Even something like cookery, something enjoyable and easy.

I'd need that , like the learning material, to focus on or id probably stare at my phone too. Might be nice people on an adult edu course too who are there because they are at a loose end and trying to mix more like you.

I use to go to the local swimming baths and use the pool and gym. You can get these things free sometimes. I'd go on a bike. Got me out of the house and around people doing something positive.

Go around bike shops, some have used bikes, or look in classifieds, try and pick up a cheap 2nd hand bike and take up cycling. I cycled everywhere. Some headphones on, especially with the spring/summer here. You'll get out and feel physically better and it'll improve your mood loads too.

22-05-15, 11:35
Thanks guys.im doing what i can..my local colege is shut for referb for several months,so thats out of the question for me..im getting out every day when its not raining..i like walking most days,its just a shame when i do walk that my head is full of negative thoughts.....i think i might have to start wearing my headphones for company

22-05-15, 14:54
Thanks guys.im doing what i can..my local colege is shut for referb for several months,so thats out of the question for me..im getting out every day when its not raining..i like walking most days,its just a shame when i do walk that my head is full of negative thoughts.....i think i might have to start wearing my headphones for company

That's a good idea because it will stop you thinking of other things and will distract you :)

23-05-15, 07:21
Music can help when out walking. Greg. I used to alwys wear mine when I went to the supermarket but I kept them off on the way back so I could take in my surroundings, listen to the birds, etc.

23-05-15, 10:44
Yep ill do that terry..music on the way there,and off on the way back.if i kept them on there and back i would get to used to that as company, and would find it hard not to where them when out...this happend to me a few years ago.i got in a habbit of wering them everywhere i went.then when i tried to go out without them,it was realy hard....

23-05-15, 10:53
Yeah, that sounds like a safety behaviour. I can relate to that when I first did it as it became part of the new "routine" and then change became a problem. This change issues haunted me all the way through and I'm still dealing with it now as its been a major factor in my GAD & OCD.

23-05-15, 12:28
Yes i can understand that mate..you sound possitive tho terry so im sure in time you will get passed it.im just in town at ghe moment.had my headphones on all the way down hear,i must admit it stoped me thinking about my life and mental health..so i will def do this each time i come down to town..now im hear in just sitting in the local pub ( not drinking ) just using there wifi.i feel realy depressed watching everyone around me laughing and having fun.watching families going about there day..just sitting hear for a couple of hrs before going back home again..really fed up mate with life.just cant imagin i will spend many more months living like this...i have no friends to hang out with and spend far to much time on my own..i hate my own company.

23-05-15, 13:20
I have my blips but things are fast better than when I was severe. That was a living hell.

I get that too, seeing the world going on around you and people enjoying themselves. You feel like you are invisible. I tend to refer to it as being on the edge of society. It's something struggled with but I'm still here. With having my parents around I'm not completely isolated otherwise I doubt I would ever speak to another human being in person other than at a checkout in the supermarket. It's not a very pleasant thought so I feel for you mate.

You've got your mental health team to try and help you now and you've got us on here to talk to so hang in there. Think about how soon you will be seeing your daughter again.

Keep going with the music, those breaks from rumination will help give you some respite and maybe things will look up in time.

23-05-15, 15:32
Do you enjoy podcasts? I find with music my mind still wanders, but if I listen to a podcast I listen to the story and use my brain a little more. Just personal preference though :)

Did you ever end up trying to talk to local churches and see if you were interested in joining one? They always have community activities and work/volunteer stuff to invest your time in and meet people.

23-05-15, 16:02
Greg just read through this thread and wanted to say, all these families you see laughing and people enjoying themselves, you never really know what's going on for them. No one goes through life without problems. I'll give you an example, this morning I have been out for a wonderful bike ride with my husband and son, through beautiful woodland and fields and yes it was lovely. But I'm having a hard time at the moment. Anyone looking at us would've thought our lives were pretty perfect. I'm trying to cut down on Trazodone and having awful side effects. I feel foggy and have chest pains and keep bursting into tears. But no one would know that just by looking at us.

I don't know if that helps or not I'm just saying don't automatically think that people's lives are perfect because they very rarely are. I think people show off so much on social media too that it makes others feel inferior, so they also show off and it becomes a vicious cycle of who has the best life. But they usually don't.

Anyway I'm rambling but I guess you know what I'm trying to say. And you have family so not completely alone. Have a good evening - watch Eurovision, that's always good for a laugh! :)