View Full Version : Does anyone else obsess about the state of their car?

21-05-15, 16:14
I seem to be funnelling my Anxiety towards my car these days. In just the same way that anxiety makes you hyper aware of every twitch, pain ,heartbeat etc. in your own body, I seem to have started tuning into my car now as well. Every tiny bump, rattle, gust of wind sends my anxiety through the roof and I'm spending most of my journeys gripping the wheel in terror, convinced that something's about to fall off or break down, not to mention obsessively checking my tyre pressures and being constantly convinced that I've put the wrong fuel in. Anyone else dealing with this? Please someone make me feel like I'm not a freak!

22-05-15, 00:16
I had a few vehicle issues recently. I think if my attention is drawn towards vehicle worries I can become pretty focused on it. "Oh no, is this going or is that going now ?" etc. If I distract myself I can end up forgetting though. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing though :/

22-05-15, 13:32
Oh yes I definitely have the same problem and I am so glad its not just me. like you every strange sound, rattle, smell etc sets me off into panic mode. I live in the country so need my car to be reliable plus I use it for work as I am a p.a. for a disabled person so I have images of being broken down out in the middle of nowhere with my disabled lady who is starving, ill, needs the toilet etc etc and the worry just escalates. I don't know how to stop. its got to the point where I don't want to go anywhere now unless ive no choice.
What can we do? I would love help like you

22-05-15, 14:30
I'm so glad it's not just me, I've lost count of the number of times I've started off only to turn back at the first roundabout, convinced the car's going to explode. It's not only driving me mad but it's also driving my boyfriend mad as I'm constantly asking him what's wrong with my car. He's trying to be supportive but he doesn't get it, he's driven old bangers for years which always had bits dropping off them so it doesn't bother him at all. I've been really bad this week as I've had to drive more than usual so I asked him if he could give me a hand over the weekend to check the tyre pressures, oil, water etc, basically anything that we can check! Hopefully this will reassure me a bit. I also sometimes get him to drive it sometimes when I'm really convinced there's something wrong, just so he can tell me that all the noises I'm hearing are normal. I know this isn't a long term solutions but hey!