View Full Version : convinced I have pan can- the symptoms are too real

21-05-15, 20:41
Hey everyone,
Here I go again... 4 days of nausea, upper left abdominal pain and back pain. By now I am convince this is it. I had something similar a few months ago, went to GP, he had a full bloodwork done-all came back clear and he didn't seem further concerned. I also suffer from a terrible reflux. I'm only 30, I don't wanna die yet! But all I háve on my mind now are all those articles and TV Spots on young women getting some horrible types of cancers and all the celebs who died of pan can. I am freaking out so Bad. I couldn't even sleep last night and spent the whole night crying. You can imagine what my day at work looked like. I wish I could go to my GP, but I've been There so many times... I am feeling so lonely and afraid of the next night...

Gary A
21-05-15, 20:50
I understand that health anxiety can make you think the worst, but dearie me, a few days of stomach ache and you've got yourself diagnosed with one of the most deadly forms of cancer there is.

There could be literally dozens of things causing your symptoms. If this is a new ailment then go back to your GP, it's most probably just a virus or something equally benign.

22-05-15, 01:17
The odds of someone your age group having it is 0.1 out of 100,000 or one in a million, seriously, there are stats. Go to random.org to the number generator, adjust to 1,000,000, think of a number in your head, then generate the number. Was it yours? The odds of reflux more like one in four. So, what is it likely to Be?