View Full Version : Tingling???

22-05-15, 00:20
I've been getting a weird tingling in my lower back and into my bum for the past week or two. I thought it could be sciatica or something but when I google sciatica, an article came up about it being a sign for colorectal cancer! I know I shouldn't Google but I thought I'd be safe searching for sciatica. I've had weird bowels (tmi!) for a few months although I had a sigmoidoscopy (camera in the first part of the bowel) a year ago. I need to be rational but the tingling is getting worse?! Anyone experienced anything similar or have any other ideas? Thanks :)

22-05-15, 21:20
How you describe is typical for sciatica. ive had it for 20 years and also get numbness on outer thigh with it too.

24-05-15, 08:29
I've had it for a year now and my dad has had it on & off for over 10 and his at times became bad enough to make him have to crawl on the floor as he couldn't get up for a few days!

For me I get tingling in my thigh, calf, foot & toes at times. Its mostly thigh, calf and dull aches in my lower back/buttocks.

Its very common and it normally passes in 6 weeks. After that, its best to see your GP for help. Look on NHS Choices for Sciatica as it has some stretching exercices you can treat it with now and advice on posture which could be causing/adding to it.

09-07-15, 11:03
Just wondering... anyone get a feeling of off balance with sciatic? I too get the feeling of tingling in my calf,instep, upper thigh with mine but occasionally its like my feet are lifting off the floor and makes me feel swimmy ??

09-07-15, 11:08
Hi Libra,

I'm not sure myself but I get a real tightness down my leg which can feel like there is some resistance. Do you feel that? If so, could it be that feeling which seems like your foot is lifting? Its just a thought.

09-07-15, 11:12
Not sure how to describe it Terry..Wonder if im tensing up when the tingles start as I think I may go lightheaded.. The feeling ,besides tingling is a kind of tightness in my left lower back..Thats when I feel the bounce off floor.

09-07-15, 11:28
That might be it. If I bend forward as if I am going to touch my toes, I will feel a tightness which resembles a muscular injury or soreness/sprain/strain, etc. I get some tightness in my lower back but only on the days where it is worse but its not as pronounced as the leg tighness.